ie One of the greatest achievements of the year was the recognition obtained from the State. The Secretary of the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Asso- ciation instructed all District, Regional, and State Tournament Chairmen to use officials from the registered list. Our Year Book was a good advertisement and was in the hands of officials of all Colleges and High schools in the State. Some Year Books were sent to ad- joining States where there are no active Boards. The Board is of the opinion that the recognition given to our representa- tive Mr. Clement M. kyler, has been the greatest help to the Board in its for- ward progress. We have money in the bank! VERMONT STATE BOARD Our board in its fourth year of existence has increased its membership from thirteen members to twenty-eight senior members and thirty junior members. The board has attempted and succeeded to a great degree in covering the State of Vermont very well, in the use of its members, in all games this year. The board has sponsored three interpretation meetings, in various parts of the state and has also sponsored an officiating course which was held at the University of Vermont. This course has proven very successful as shown by the attendance and interest taken in the project. The board is at the stage now where a subdivision of its territory may be necessary due to the fact that meetings are difficult to arrange and its member- ship is becoming fairly large for a territory as extensive as the state of Ver- mont . SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA DISTRICT BOARD A small Board with a membership of thirteen. Two applications for member- ship were received during the year, one passing the examinations and one fail- ing to pass. Four meetings and several interpretation meetings were held. Four members of the Board attended the first state-wide meeting held at the University of Virginia. Again practically all games of importance in Tidewater Virginia (astern Virginia) were handled by members of the Board. Two classes for Scorers and Timers were conducted and again we desire to emphasize the importance and great need of this type of work in an effort to develoo more efficient scorers and timers. The annual dues of the Board remain the same, i.e., $7.00 for Active Member- ship ($8.00 for a new member the first year) and $3.00 for Associate, Inactive or tonorary Membership.