Station WEAI y sian on N. a = BA — 7 PF. “> CORNELL UNIVERSITY 2 ha a LF Radio Broadcasting Lectures St Oe Pty : bt Father end Son Series eo. an ep eines reaeee Re ones en ne, Mondays and Thursdays at 5:50 p.m. February 22 - May 26. YOUR SON AND HIS ATHLETICS Riverda H. Jordan. Ph.D. Professor of Educetion I have a very reel belief in the Palue of competitive athletics for boys. But at the very start I must qualify this statement by specifying sane athletics, having as their ultimate purpose sound physical development 2nd the formationmof per- manent health habits. In my experience of over forty years I have seen such remarkable advantages in properly conducted sports, and, on the other hend, have seen so many unfortunate results growing out of sports improperly conducted, that I must caution you against allowing your sons to participate except where you are satisfied that the conditions are good. Otherwise you may bitterly regret that your son was ever drawn into athletic participation. ~ het us enumerate some of the advantages of sound athletics: First, through them your son should develop a physical constitution whereby he will be better fitted to meet the physical demands of later life -- a sound body, an intensified vitality, and a habit of exercise, all three of which will tend to enable him to withstand the strenuous demands of in- dustry and to throw off readily the onslaughts of disease. These outcomes, however, are not enough. They must be coupled with a growth in self-possession and self- -confidence, development. of courage end moral