Day Letter Barch 20, 193% Kir, A, Paul Menton ip, A. EB, ¥etudorf ir, Oswald Tower . The Evening Sun 87 Elmdorf Ave. Phillips Acadeny Baitimere, id. Rochester, BE. Y. fodover, Mass. ir. J. A, Crocker, lr, B. &, Kelleher Univ. of Wester ont. 43 Franklin St. Lendon, Onrte, Canada Boston, Mass. St. Jom advises National Collegiate Athletic Association officially with- draws from Joint Hasketball Committee. Stop. It is organizing a new con- mittee. Stop. Wire whether you cen attend Executive Committee Yerk, Gedlpin Hotel this Saturdey morning nine o'clock. Committee will pay expenses. if you canmet attend ere you willing Executive Committees elect new Chairman and vice-chairman and proceed with plans for the next annual neetings and new basis of representation on Joint Committee. George T. Nephron, Secretary