Chairman, L. W. St. JouHN Vice-Chairman, RaLPpH Morcan Secretary, GEORGE T. HEPBRON Treasurer, A. E. METZDORF Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1106 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 105 Nassau Street, New York City 97 Elmdorf Ave., Rochester, N. Y. JOINT BASKETBALL COMMITTEE Oswatp Tower, Editor ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS March 30, 1931. br. F. C, Alien, Hotel Astor, New York, I. Y. Dear Dr. Allen: Perhaps during the next week or ten days you have planned to try to forget basketball, but if you are dis- posed to give the rules a little thought in your spare time, if any, may I suggest that you be thinking along the lines of our @iscussions of last week with particular reference to "legal blocking" and interruptions in the game. I hope you are planning to be present at the meeting of the rules revision committee at 10 a. m. , April 10, at the University of Pennsylvania Club and to give us the benefit of your ideas. At this meeting we shall probably draw up a statement setting forth what is legal and what illegal with respect to screening, posting, positioning, checking, or ‘what have you, meaning "legal blocking". If you feel disposed to prepare a statement brief enough for use in the Guide, yet covering the essential "may" and "may nots", I am sure it will expedite our discussions, It is evident that we must do one of two things in the near future relative to blocking: either throw it wide open and say that only such interference as results in contact shall be construed as blocking, orfevise a way to cut down materially the present forms of "legal Blocking", By the way, as to terminology , I am leaning more and more toward the use of screening, The dictionary defines "to screen": to separate or cut off from inconvenience, injury or danger; shelter;shield;protect;conceal. The noun "screen" is défined as "anything in the nature of a protective curtain, partition, or shield". This comes close to covering what we mean by "legal blocking” and has the added merit of not implying violence, The subject of whistle-blowing and interruptions has always been a favobite one with critics of basketball and we have always admitted that it is a vulnerable spot, yet not as serious as the critics contend. If it were, basketball would not be the great game that it is, But there is room for improvement in this respect. When you and I played the game,