aD The officials move uy and down opposite side-lines one ahead and one behind the ball. The official ahead of the ball advances around the end line to a position near the goal as the-play approaches the basket. The official behind the ball moves in as close as possible and yet avoid inter- ference with the players. RULE 6 Sections 12, 13 -- Suggested that those parts dealing with the duties of the timers and scorekeepers be typed and pasted in the vack of each team" s scorebook for ready reference. Bi RULE 7 Section 9, Note -- It was believed generally that the new rule in regard to steps is clearly stated. However, there was some confusion which resulted from the failure to read that the note applies only in conditions in which A PLAYEK RECEIVES THE BALL ON A PASS WHILE HE IS IN RAPID MOTION and does not apply in many dribble situations. RULE 11 Section 2 (last clause top of page 17) Doubt was ex- pressed as to the interpretation of “if the Referee con- siders these additional time-out periods necessary". Gen-~ eral opinion expressed that time-out should be given whenever a captain requests it. RULE 12 -- attention was called to variation among officials as to when a ball is "held". The two extremes of “tagging ‘and "wrestling" were discussed. The section on page 24 dealing with HELD BALL was recommended as covering the situation. | RULE 13 Section 6. -~- Rule does not state when time shall start after the freethrows when a player fouled in the act of throwing for goal makes his field goal. Mr..Tower, secre- tary to the Rules Committee has ruled that time starts when the Referee hands the player the ball for his second freethrow,. RULE 14 Section 7 (Special condition covered by Q@ & A No.58) Mr. Lewis expressed the opinion that the penalty never was inflicted on the player who jumped into the freethrow lane and caught a short freethrow before it touched the floor. RULE 14° Section 11 -- Ruling was requested in case‘where one of two jumpers taps the ball against the basket or back- stop, and plays it again. . iG Was G@ere¢cda that the spirit of the rule inciuded the « basket and backstop, as well as the floor and other eight and that no violation should be called.