#2 tact needlessly and it degenerates into a wrestling match. The limited floor area is justification for this rule. On a jump ball at center, or elsewhere, the jumpers are forbidden to touch the ball after it has been tapped until it has touched the floor or one of the other eight players, except that the jumpers may tap the ball more than once in attempting to make it @rop outside the jumping circle. The penalty is loss of the ball as in other violations. A goal from the field counts for the team into whose basket it is thrown. Again an answer has been inserted to cover free throws into the wrong basket, placing the responsibility on the feferee in the latter instance. Formerly fouls on the jump ball such as tapping it on the way up or leaving the center circle have been changed to violations. Noté: The ball goes to the opponent out of bounds.) Another change of importance has been the so called five point rule, namely,- when a player has been fouled in the act of shooting the ball is to go to center after the second free throw if the field goal is made. If the field goal is missed, the old rule holds; viz, the ball is in play if the last free throw is missed. This change makes it impossible for a player to score five points when fouled in the actof shooting. That is he cannot get a follow-up shot if he misses his second free throw, provided he makes his field goal. © Note: If a player is fouled in the act of shooting and the goal should be allowed, should the player miss his first #&esé free throw, the ball must go up at center, following the second attempt whether it is made or missed. In this ease, it is only possible for the player to make three points. Coaches contend that this would be sufficient by allowing the goal,and one free throw would be ample. Other coaches held that the player should have two trys but certainly the possibility of five points for a single try was too much. The Committee diecussed stalling but it is becoming less of a problem, due to the fact that the cash customers or spec- ‘tators, are strong in their denunciation of the team that does not provide action. The public is getting a better understanding of the game and they realize that the team not in possession of the ball, the defensive team, 1s responsible for stalling. Possession is nine points in basket ball, as in law, and it is up to the de- fensive team to play the ball or try to obtain it. All of these things were discussed at the Nati onal Basket Ball Coaches Association, which met in Chicago last April prior to the meeting of the Joint Committee in New York. Certain recommendations were made to the Joint Committee by the Board of Directors of the National Basket Ball Coaches Association.