JOB ANALYSIS SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE . = eV sn!) sare Fé ( é Np. LA ed le What subjects ho your physical education teachers\handle » in addition to their physical—education-classes?- 2e What extracurricular activities, besides athletics, do your physical education teachers supervise; eefe, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Girl Reserves, pep clubs, etce GA .AR- as ae ; ge ty ANA. 4. at (nw Rn AT Ot 3 bk If your athletic coach, could teach any § cea you — what ; 5 would Lt be? Uh Cr aM ea, aaAtrtard rou 2d, — » fF ~ : x a, - ae / ‘ ‘ \ LB What academic subjects do your coaches teach in addition to their : coaching duties? 5e In your system would you prefer a physical education major who can < teach“also subjects in social sciences, biological sciences, mathe- matics, eee eek — otoe, or wae you ee * a teacher who had g 3 © ‘s bhe physical ot tn io olasses-ant-vomching duties? rnb, hm 4-2 ahh ads sn te owe co t+ ba bAetas he tt tote stand Phish | fs Leg | : “ie # , Ae as a 6e What Guineas your coach shola, and from what college or university was=3G- obtained? AAD don, a the Z Ad Te oa ety ii. in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, or in the School of Education? 8. What has been the average tenure for your coaches, whether by pro- motion or other change? We-are enclosing a copy of our curriculum for the baccalaureate degree with instructions to students desiring to major in Physical Education at the University of Kansase Should you care for any additional copies we will be happy to send them to youe anaes Raat aay eek ee aoe: