Dear Mrs School of Education at the University of Kansas, offering a four-year major course, is,in its second year and we feel that much progress has been made. We have been slowly fitting ourselves to meet the needs and demands of the state. Our primal purpose is serve our high schools of Kansas in this specialized field of service. Graduate Work Graduate work in physical education was begun last fall, and now the following courses have been approved which give graduate credite 100. Principles of Comumity Recreation, 3 hrse 200. Theory and Practice of Athletic Training, 3 hrs. 201. Advanced Basketball, 3 hrs. 202. Administration of Physieal Education, 3 hrse | M294. Content and Method of Physical Education, 3 hrse 300. Special Problems in Physical Education, 2-4 hrs. 312. Seminar in Physical Hdueation, 3 hrse : It is our aim to establish a well-plamned program that will lead to a Master's degree with a major in physical education. Kansas is conspicuous by being one of ten states that does not have state legislation providing for physical education, and one of twenty- five not having a state director of physical eduentione In our endeavor to train young men and women to fill the teaching and coaching needs of the high schools of Kansas, an undergraduate curriculum for a major in physical education has been set up, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Seience in the Sehool of Education. Sixty-Hour Certificate Two courses in physical education are being offered which students may apply on the work required for the Sixty-Hour Certificate, and Community Health, each for 3 hours credit, Job Analysis Survey We are endeavoring to make a job analysis survey concerning the needs for physical education teachers in the State of Kansas, and we would heartily welcome your cooperation in filling out the attached questionnaire with criticisms or suggestionsthat in yowr opinion would mutually benefit us in offering « more fulsome,progreme oS ' f. “Gud LAL. AA Very sincerely yours, PALES di NUS SS Mi aie SS Cg ee Sle LTE ape densi St We Nata tame rE eA OR IE Soe a ae Ue AER ide US abesaia Alb Nain. Late