% > lhe rene fo var ys eaten tnaary tne, 1m atin ee 2 sh caeeuertontinr mineitided, Daetiive stiatins, te yuu Dgutent education teachers — Reserves, pop clubs, eto. GR a Ss 22 yor etietio meh eke tena ery euhjent ou dented, wit j as ae oR ot wold you peofor « siysion) ethntion major wi ena : } in sooial sciences, biological solences, ‘ Ge {2a anr, one vou oot Ink, and fiom vénteotegn or tvaety “was 2+ obtained? WA" a Oh: \ 2 i wi your degree in ths College of Liberal ste and ~ Sane Ob be ly Gane os uae Be That has been the average ter we for your coaches, whether by pro- — oe — o : . ee LY Ta ils eilihcichic © cnaiy' OF thw cunpbadibiad’ Har Un. Wosuninennnds tanita instructions to students desiring to major in Physical Education at the University of Kansas. Siena you Gary fOr any AAUSoend Goplee we whit be happy to send them to yous ae