Po UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS is LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION The newly organized Department of Physical Education in the School of Education at the University of Kansas, offering a four-year major course, is now in its second year, end we feel that much progress has been madee We feel that we have been slowly fitting ourselves to meet the needs and demands of the stetee Our primal purpose is to serve the high schools of Kansas in this spece ialized field. Graduate Work Graduate work in physical education was begum last fall, and now the following courses have been approved which give gradu- ate credits 100. Principles of Commmity Recreation, 3 hours 176. Tests and Measurements, 3 hours 200. Theory and Practice of athletic Training, 3 hours 201. Advanced Basketball, 3 hours 202.4 Administration of Physical Education, 3 hours M294. Content and Method of Physical Education, 3 hours 500. Special Problems in Physical Education, 24 hours $12. Seminar in Physical Education, 3 hours. It is our aim to establish a well-planned program that will _ lead to a combined Master's degree in Education and Physical Educatione Baccalaureate Degree Kansas is conspicuous by being one of ten states that does not have state legislation providing for physical education, and one of twenty-five not having a state director of physical education. In our endeavor to train young men and women to fill the teaching and coaching needs of the high schools of Kansas, en undergraduate curri- culum for a major in physical education is being followed, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in the School of Educatione We are enclosing a copy of this course of study, with instructions to students