desiring to major in physical education. Should you care for eny additional copies we will be happy to send them to youe Sixty-Hour Certificate Two courses in the Department of Physical Education are being offered which students may apply on the wrk required for the new sixty-hour certificate authorized by the State Board of Educatione These courses sre Elementary School Playground Activities, 3 hours credit, and Personal Hygiene and Community Health, 3 hours credite Job Analysis Survey We are endeavoring to make a job analysis survey concerning the. needs for physical education teachers in the State of Kansase We would heartily welcome your cooperation in filling out the attached questionnaire, with criticisms or suggestions that in your opinion would mutually benefit us in offering a more fulsome and serviceable progreme Will you kindly return the questionnaire to us at your early convenience? Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. = 5 a