Teo : Maje Lawrence Be. Filkin (APO 90, c/o P.Me, New York), who is with the medical corps in France, writes, "I saw Paul Harrington about a month or six weeks agoe He was hale and hearty and glad to see a different face from home, He's still in the same outfit and doing well, Along with Paul were a number of © my old classmates from Medical School, and some old internes and profs, It was like old home week. We've been moving along so fast lately that I doubt if Paul's outfit will be able to stay very cloce to us, In our mad rush I've been several outdoor basketball courts in this section of France, Don't know how lays however, Wesanee when we pass Share ” more important business moment." - Lawrence, ssc thin an inne teak Ah eaten Oot ale et told that Hagringtea-Quigley episode of the basketball tat the Quigley dinner, ~Quig, you will remember, called several fouls on Pauls interrogated Faul, "Deo you understand?" "No," Paul said, “but I ae t an to yous" We were delighted to hear from another "medic" Mage Georze, Mandeville (APO 2, ¢/o Pee, Mew York), who wrote from France in July, saying, "I have heard about your paper or something called The Rebound, and I wondered if you might send me a copy before the war is over, Most of the betting is that now that we have the first team in it won't be long. This is the roughest contest I have ever had the privilege of being in, and strange as it seems a lot of guys have got hurt. These de«-+ Nagis are a fanatical bunchy They have a lot of determination but no common sense, ani about the only thing they can under~ stand or I should say the best persuader I have seen is the bayonet. Of course when they get in front of our artillery they get pretty well gound up, A lot of them hang on when they surely know they are going to be exterminated,” Mandy, I see often your brother of the 1920 NebraskesKansas football "fame" game, score 20620 « the game that built the stadium, Frank P, Mande- ville sgys that he doesn't have to sell sporting goods, The voys just buy them. Luck to you, Georges “Lite Harold Bo Wright (APO 140, alle PsMe, New York) writes: "I'm now in — England and am right in the midst of this war, I'm stationed with a medium bombardment group flying Be26 Marauders; I like the plane fine and now have several missions to my credits Our quarters are fine and the food wonderful. When I stop to think of the boys in the front lines, I realigé how lucky some of us are to be in the Air Corpsy » + « I'm looking forward to the next copy of Jayhawk Rebounds, I have met some fellow Jayhawkers who enjoy them also," : *Harold, it you will give me sone of the fellows’ nanos we will be clad to mail them to the boys. This is our desire + to do something for the boys who G00 SONNE 0 TEE eee FS Cae ee aoe Lake Ty erenety ATMeNEE HO EPS ome Harley Ms Anderson (APO 557, o/o PoMey New York) writes that he bag heen in England over fourteen months, He says further, "Really was swell to Hees Coes wt atcha tovvenda. That's the first one I have received and hope I'll continue to get them as they roll off the press. Found it very interesting to read about where some of the fellows are and what they are doing. I had a good laugh on that paragraph telling of the notorious phone call Engle- man made from Dr. Peete's home in KeC, Don't think I'll d@ver forget it. I