From the U, 5. Naval Air Station at Memphis « Down in Pixie - comes a note from A/O Prank Stuckey, who says, “A few weeks ago while I was on leave I ; had an oceasion to read a copy of the Rebounder, I met Virginia Ford Sollenberger the train between Denver and Hutchinson and she had Marvin's copy. I was de- | lighted to hear of the whereabouts of so many of my K.U. friends and happier still to find that I could be put on the mailing varsiills dmbdatated Wo yous The Rebounder really gives you the ‘word'," : Thanks for your. compliment, Frank, in giving the Rebounds the eredit for being “the word", co Just after the publication of our last Jayhawk Rebounds we were pleased to receive the announcement of the birth of a baby boy. to Ens. and Mrs, Robert B. Hunt, on July 21, at Independence, Kansas, I promised Bob that I would mention it in the next issueg Hearty congratulations to Bob and Mrs. Hunt! We hope the youngster is now hale and hearty, and that his mother is feeling fine. I don't have to inquire about the fathers 3 Cpl. Hoyt Baker, at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma, wrote on August 21: "I won't be long now before liemry Shenk will be starting football practice there on the Hill. Gosh, what I wouldn't give to be backs Sports are one thing I really miss in the armye Its been so long since I've played any game I've probably forgotten hows « « We will be leaving the Stetes very soon, Our outfit has been together now almost a year, so I guess it is about time we are seeing the other side." And gosh, Hoyt, what we wouldn't give to have you back. You would perhaps be the very tabasco that any football or basketball team needs, The old spizserinktum, the pepper and ginegar « that's what you always hades We will take a rain cheek and sount on you for September, '45 - eh, Hoyt? This goes for both the prolate spheroid and the “round ball". Lt, Chester Gibbens is with the Army Air Forces Techs Training Command at Orlando, Flae, and says he hopes to be able to get home for a football game or two this falle His leave is 3 mos, overdue, so he hopes to get home late in Sept. or early Oct. Chet continues, "Denny might get home around that time. lle mentioned something about coming back to the States to school. I imagine it would be for Be29 training, but nothing definite has been said by hime « « « I guess I've been Sigating the battle on the hore front and have veleased a WAC for combat duty." Gibby, we are sending the football wuebades to you pronto, If you will look at the last Rebounds you will have the complete schedule. This is the way we have of giving all the boys in the service ~ in the States and overseas ~ the latest dope om the schedule, and also some featuré on the personnel of the team, It certainly will be good to have Dengil and you back, We hope that both of you can arrive at the same time. : . S/Sgt~ Waldo A, Miller is doing physical ¢raining work at the Army Air Base, Seattle, Washington, and says he still likes it very muche He asks that we send him Major Be Re Blbel's address, and we are glad to give it here for the benefit of all his friends « School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas, .