Dear Jayhawkers: Ad The following article is a copy from the sport page of the Kansas. City Star. This idea came from a close follower of KU athletics (W. W. Fuller, Board of Trade Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri). I think it is a grand idea and am happy to enclose it with the next issue of the "Reboundse" = =) /°' . Although I do not keep:in touch with many of you, I learn of your whereabouts’ through the "Rebounds." My thoughts are o you many times and I wish you all. the best Lpcke P.S. As thorough and exact as Mr. McBride is, he overlooked one of Dr. Allen's important duties. He is a member of the: Selective Service board and spends many hours each week help-— ing select the manpower for our Armed Forces. Ogden Jones, a member of the KU faculty, is chairman of the Douglas county board. | , FROM THR MARCH 7 ISSUE OF ‘THE KANSAS CITY STAR: Maybe you've been wondering how long Phog Allen will continue to coach basketball. Youtve been reading about Phog, very’ much about him and considerable by him, for lo, these many, many years. Is he going on forever winning basketball cham= pionships or running ‘them up? | Being curious and unafraid you asked him. And you learned that Phog will be coaching five or six years mores And then no mores wo "When am I going to retire?" Phog repeats the question as though the idea is something altogether out of the unexpected and unthought about, but you soon know better than thate nt can tell you now when that's going to be," he quickly adds. "When I reach tho age of 65. Department heads retire at 65." (Phog is the head of the department of physical education.) "Other faculty mombors may continue until they are 67, but I'm not hankering for those two years. I do not wish to coach — after I am 65. I have no ambitions to break the records of Alonzo Stagg or Connie Macks" — | | | : "But what will you be doing, Phog? You can't keep all that restless energy close by while you roll ina parlor chair." OUTLINES HIS PROGRAM - ity . "Don't let that worry you,” says Phoge "I'll use all the enorgy I can muster. I'm going to play golf and I'm going to. write. And say the things I want to say." es Tut! Tut! ©Phog, as though you haven't beon saying the things youl ve wanted to say, all along. | sory 'T guess I'11 have to admit that I haven't been.a shrinking violet in that regard," says Phogs "That's right, and I'm going to continue to_ do the things Itve actually wanted to do$ play golf and write." Ph SK ) ; fd Tho KeUe basketball coach already is’ the author of three bookses Perhaps it would be more accurate to ~ he is the author of two books and’a coeauthor-of a third. His "My Basketball Bible" and "Better Basketball" have had a wide sale, In cole laboration with other educational authorities Phog wrote