JAYHAWK REBOUNDS | No. 14 March 14, 1945 Final Big Six Conference Standings in Basketball : WoL Pts OP Pet Towa State. : Sede 6 24% OF 2800 Kansase eeesnecersenest & OS SEF 760 Oklahoma, «2«+«2es2ee2285 § 420 412 .500 Missouri. *eoenpeeeeste 5 §& S77 468 2000 Kansas States «2. -2«ees-et% S&S 445 448 400 Nebraskas, «eee eececeel 9 447 509 100 Dear Fellow Jayhawkers: My, how time flies§ That was impressed upon me years ago when I was a teen- age youngster as I walked in Heinie Kaboobler's liot Air Cafe, and staring me in the face was a big clock, the second and minute hands stepped up twenty times, electrically. As those hands went whigg$ng around the clock, the caption below was, "My, how time flies." That seems to me literally true now because as the years roll by the second hand and the hour hand seem to accelerate themselves, and now I find that my last Jayhawk Rebounds was written on January 19. And I had promised in my own mind and heart that you fellow Jayhawkers on the seven seas and the many fighting fronts would have a letter fromm each month. To err and to procrastinate is human. I guess I am one of those guilty fellows. The day before we started for Iowa State at Ames on March 1, I was sure that the Rebounds would have been dictated and I would reserve a flash for the result -- we were hopeful then} But with the myriad of duties I have deferred until today to write this letter. But this morning - the day when we go to Dean Corder's domicile at Welda, Kansas, where his father, Lee R. Corder, is superintendent of schools, for the purpose of a basketball banquet, = I am going to write this, come hell or high water. You remember the old grandpappy down in Arkansas, When the floods came the neighbors had all gathered on a high hill, and as the river rushed down the narrow valley they noticed a straw hat moving to and fro across the water, The neighbors marveled, and said, “Look at that straw hat moving back and forth, and not downstream’ What a peculiar phenomenon!” (although the Arkansawyers used a different word.) One young hillbilly said, "Why, don*t you remember, Grandpappy said he was going to mow that lawn, come hell or high water." .. . That is a rotten joke, but I had to make my point. ; Now, into the story of the Big Six Conference race. In my January Rebounds I gave you the set-up of the race and the personnél of the team. You will see from the final Big Six Conference standings that Iowa State had what it took. They de- feated Oklahoma at Oklehoma City, and Kansas State at Manhattan, on Saturday and Monday night prior to meeting us at Ames and defeating us on the following Friday. They defeated Nebraska earlier in the season at Lincoln, That was the difference.