1lé- Then on the heels a. Howes, came big smiling Jack Ballard, This big altitudinous basketeer of Kansas Jayhawker champions of 1942, brought with him -. two buddies; They droppad in on a class which we were toashine on the Theory and Practice of Athletic Injuries. They audited abcut ‘ten-or reptcen mimutdsoot ci ty and thatis abcut all.they could takee Then théy were egein cn the move, Jeex is visiting his folks in Kansas City and watting for his reassigamcnt: © Thesprevious Jayhawk Rebound told of the prowess of Jack on the Footoall Field: and Rasketball Sourts-dack is as.bdig as_all out of doors, and he certaini: leeks Like® sho firste slass fighting man.that he is. Welcome home “Jocko" after a victorious and hazare : dous campaigns. .. ee iw Yeo seeeols | ee ea ee 3% Qn a letter from lst. S Set. Wilmer. R. ‘Shaffer, 37006650, He & Seo Cee 0% 1535th Engr. Constr. Bnos AoPe Oe 7 #245, ofo. Postmaster, Sen Francisco, California; on August. 3, "Bub" Shaffer, a venocr of our victorious 1936 champi:nship baskot- valz teem, wrote, from the Ryukyus group. of ‘islands, ° “Having finished reading ‘the Jayhawk Rebound 517, I thought since my heart and mind: was centered on KU, T weul3, teke.time out to. drop. you a line and let you know how much I appreciate re- ceiving them, I had received all the back copies just before leaving the Svates™ so they were read and reread. many times whiie I was aboard the ship on the way over here, It certainly was gsod to hear about the Hill and of many people whe I had known there, As I have been in the. service for a little over four years, T have found that. a good many things have happened on the Hill which I have net.’ had. a chance.to keep up with, The rebounds have brought many.of these out. While abequd ship I ran into James O'Reilly, a Phi Gam: from KU who was in school ‘the | ome ime I was there. He-is.a lieutenant in the communications branch of. the. eat and was.also headed for points | in the Southwest Pacific, We really enjcyed talising about good old K.U. -I gave him the 08 eae of the Rebounds that I had wi oh me and he too enjoyed then ory “much. : : es , "I see “that. both Mit and Bob.are in active service now. Perhaps our paths will cross sometime. . If. only I could tell where I am located, » undoubtedly I would get.to see some folks from K. om We may be close to some K.U. men and not even know it. When you write _to Mit. and Isabel give oe, my eee "My mother had written ina told me that my cousin, Gordon Shaffer, and J. Fred Harris were on the same ship together, That is fine for them for even one wld acquaintance make a big difference. I am anxiously waiting for the time when I can got back to the Hill for some more ‘football and vasketball games. I would like to buy some bonds for sie stadium debt. What is the seteup?" Wilmer, 4 am glad to know that all the ayy’ can now reveal their loea- tion so that there will be more. happy Jayhawker. réunions, We hope that the one in the not too far distant PUP Uy will be here on. Mt. Oread, ~~ e ee me Following Jack Ballard’s ie to us, we were agreeably. sivpr féea< one : pleased to have Captain Charlie Black ond Mrs, Black call on us last Sunday after= neon. Charles had returned to the: States and gone to Santa. Anna, California, at the redistribution center. They had sent him huck to Coffe eyviile, Kansas, (where they are living at 512 West Fourth Street) for ‘cempc*ary essigament, It wac during this inte:#m that Charlie. Mrs. Black, (Terry) ‘and dohn Bezacher “of the Dow: Crcm- ica. Co. at Mi diend. Michigan, stopped by. dJchn was avermpanied vy his wife, nee Aca RK, Kivochof?f. Both Charlie and Johr wsre mombers of she ever vietsorious Pig Six Basketball Champions of 1942, Tur ing the visit we discussed ail the bove of that great outfit. We were speaking about when the boys came pack egain with their