os, We were pleased to receive a letter fron Lt. (je¢-) J. Be Lysaught, USS Corregidor (CVE-58), c/o Fleet P.0., San Francisco, California, On July 23, 1945, written at sca, *he writes, "I met Bob Hunt and Frank Allen ashore. Both are looking fine and we expect a big reunion when my ship next gets into port. The same day I ran into Ralph Preston, Giles Freoman and Harold Law, all medics of 1944. By the way, what is Fred Bosilevac doing now?" Docotor asks that wo note his now address which wo are passing on to his friends, : Ist. Lt. Fred N. Boilevac, MC, 1247th S.C.U., Miller's Pield Staten Island, N,Ye, has been transporting wounded soldiers to the various hospitals, I*know Frod would be glad to hear from you, Lt. (jegs) Robert (Bobby) Earl Allen, U.S.N.MeC., Us S. Naval Recoiving Hospital, Geneva ive. and Moscow St., San Francisco 12, California, my son, is doing the same thing for the Navy tempcrarily before being sent to the islands. Tam glad, Dr. Lysaught, that you got to see ny nephew, Frank 4llon, and Bobby Hunt, The next time you three meet I bet you will put on evon more of a celo- bration now than you did before the good news camo throughs Cr We were happy to receive a letter from Irs. Wayne Clover,* asking that the address of Wayne Clovor, dr., Lt, (jege), bo changed to 1446 West 61st, Terrace, Kansas City, Ifissouri. Mrs. Clover says, "I am terribly excited about Wayno'ts coning homee He hasn't seen our little girl for over two years, and she is four now, They will have a lot of catching up to do += and according to her, there will be nunerous trips to the zoo" | : .Wa are hoping for many thousands of such wonderful reunions in the near future. : Pfe, Ross W. Fisher - 17125536, 507th wir Mat. Sq. 90th dir Co, Gpp, APO 334, c/o P.li, San Francisco, California, writes from Guam that he has beon trying to find "Chet" Gibbons, but wo did not give his address so he hasn't had any luck. Hore it is Ross, Lt. Chester C, Gibbens, Jr., Intelligence Depts, Recoge Section, 4APSLT, Tochnical Training Command, Orlando, Plorida. I have seon your brother ilan out at thecountry club, and he seoms to enjoy his golf. I an sorry that this Rebound has taken so long for its construction, but we arc making some progress. You asked the question, just what did happon in 1920 Nebraska game? Well, we are telling you in this issure.e. I hope we will bo seeing you baek in Lawrence soon, s— * @ ewe =e Pe wy y Pfc. Joseph J. Be Ryon - 37755009, Hq. Co. lst. Bn, 13lst Inf., APO 38, e/ Postmaster San Francisco, California, discloses the information that he is on Luzon, about to take ilawa Dam. Quoting part of his letter, "I am a lost dog in the 38th Division. Practically alljare from Indiana and New York. In the past issue of the army Times, I noticed in two of them that Dean Nesnith and Bill Hargiss were giving the athletio training in Italy. It gave me great pride to show people where the brains are from. We are trying to got up a regimental football team. We haven't much equip~ ment but we may try ond rough it. I may help coach it along with playing, if the deal materializes. I noticed in the Rebounds that I an not far from Dick Ghennoll and Harold Fawiins. Onc of these days I night get a chance to see.another fighting Jeyhawker." : —_— = lUrOUlUh Cllr Url