se, is 24 unjust to say that commercialism isabrodad in college life when the exter-= mination of one sport would mean the curtailment of the possibilities of play. When it is a matter of making sports pay for sports, the plan is not commercialism? . ) : This survey was made at the University of kansas. You can see that the women students brought up the average. That is because they did not have that extra twa hours of intonsive, fatiguing, fundamental exercise. : ee Coaches today do not want tho duller or the slow thinking athlete, so at the present tine I bolievo that the best athletes are the brighter ones. But, we still have the thick-headed boy who does not want to work hard and wants to coast through college. Frankly, I think you will find that the opinion.varies as to the individual.” "T hear fron Armond Dixon quite regularly, and‘he seems to be still kicking around, When I left college I figured I would-be back in 1945, but seems as if we should move that date to about 1947. snyway.I'11 be back no matter when it is. I am always glad to receive the Rebounds - enjoy them tremendously. . ol Ranie Boins,. Sp. (A) 3/e, Ship's Co, Div. 5, Mil. Tr. Inst. Batt. 9, San Bruno, California; "Kk" man in baskotball in 1940, writes, "Received the June 25th issure of tho Rebound today, which reminded me of my neglect to send you my new Addresses. eee a re "T was almost sure 1 saw Bob Allen at the California Golf Club a week ago Wednesdays, His foursome was about four holes behind mine. The distance was always considerable and besides he was in the army Medical Corps at Bell Memorial, but this fellow had on a navy uniforn." ; oe | peony You are right Ramic, that was Bob. Your eyes are awfully good if you can pick a native Kansas out et that distance. Or, do Jayhawkers emanate a fragrant ‘odor that you can tell that species from other species. that abound in California, Bob finished his intornship at Bell, July 1, 1945. Six days from the time he signed an inquiry fromthe War Department stating the Navy's need for medical officers, on account of onphibious landings--he had been sworn in, bought his uniforms, made his will, and was on a Union Pacific Pullman headed for Frisco. Bob was staying at my daughter Mary's home, Irs, Lee Hamilton, 869 Center Drive, Palo “lto, California. Doubtless you have already nade contacts with him, You also state that Doc Yokey, pro at Whitehill golf course in Topeka, is instructor and coach on your base. Say hello to ‘him for ne, ) , | : On July 19, 1945, S/Sgt. Bob Charlton, 37526424, 598 BMB - Sq. 397, BIB Group, APO 140, e/o P.If. New York, New York, sent a postcard from Saint Quentin, France, showing a beautiful recreation park, I-could not identify him as one of the bathers, but he said that he was Carl Knox recently, who is athletic officer from the old bonb group, 320th. Bob says, "He is doing a bang-up job with his usual enthusiasm. . Bob passed on a couple of Rebounds to Carl and, they "got homesick as hell together." Bob said that he looked for Dean in Paris, but missed him. " We are glad to state that Bob is back in the States. He and his father are vacationing together in Alexandria, Minnesota, They will return about September 1, when Bob will go into business. with his father, Glen Charlton, in the Charlton Insure anoe Agency, which is one of the oldest firms in Lawrence.