28 "Doc Ian late as usual, but if by chance I miss out on seeing Charlie Black, please extend to hin ny heartiost conpratulations on his promotion, and docoration, and above all “congrats” ’to both hin and Terry on that new baby. Here's hoping that I get to see hini" , | "We aro having a great time over here with our athletic progran, Baseball is the predominating: game at the present time, but football and basketball Wea Oe follow in their respective seasons. We are allowed 50% of our time for athletics, and the follows really eat it up. Isntt that swell?" = =e -— - = = Pvt, T, Bean, 15109155, 4. Bry, 232 F, Q. Bn., APO 411, c/o Postmastor New York, N.¥., was one of the best basketball players that I have seen in years when he was hore with the army A.S.T.P. He wrote me on the 20th of dune from Austria, that he was still receiving our. Rebounds and that ho was glad of-it. He says, "I'vo lost most all contact with the basketball world heFe in Austria, and your paper serves as a good intermediary. I was particularly interested:in your story about the all big six center, Johnson." ; é ; "I'm sitting down here near Kufstein, Austria now with the 42nd Division and I guress we will occupy this oountry until they set up their own government. I get to shoot a few baskets now and then on an outside court,-but how I do miss that sport! I can't wait to get back to the states and to school. I hope I'm lucky onough to play three more years of ball under you. I had a great time while I was in Kansas and I hope to return thoro. Bost of luck to. you and ‘your-ball clubs." Ted, nothing would, make us happior than to see you enroll at the University -f Kansas. You really can hondle that-casaba in the most approved fashion.» Don't “orget the station, Lawrence, Kansas, U.Selie It would be a great delight to shake your paw and welcone you as one of our adopted Jayhawkers,. & “ey : Lt. (jeg.) Glen Cunninghan, U.S.N.R., Training Department, Civic Ceniter - Room #355, San Diego, California, the fastost human and one of the finest fellows that I have ever net, writes on July 4, fron his. bivouac thanking us for the Rebound nd says, "It is always a real treat to get any bit of news from or about friends and the University. ly duty hore in San Diego has been very pleasant but is rapidly coming to an end. At present I'm awaiting orders to move ot of here, In fact I thought Itd 2e@ gone before this. Don't know where they will send ne but it will probably be sea “uty or some advanced base. It's.tine they gave the boys who have been out there several months a chanee to cone home and rest, and give those of us who have had shoro -uty, tho experience of facing the oneny. Fortunately my family have been with ne most f£ the time. They left. only last Thursday." oe de: "Since entering the service I've met many Kansans. Several aro in the Dis- trict here holding down responsible positions. I frequently mect others as they come in off their ships. alt Steiger, Lioutenant. who is in the transportation office, \rranged for reservations for my family back to Kansas via Banners Ferry, Idaho, where: vhoy will visit my parents before going on to Kansas. Roland Logan, Lt. Comdr. is head: ‘f the Physical Rehabilitation Program at the hospital and is doing a splendid piece ‘f work. Several of the men ho has trained have been advanced and taken to other hos- italg to head the programs there." | £7 nape ‘""“Meréever I po’ from hore I'll look forward to receiving the Rebounds. From. _ ‘aried sources I've kept somewhat informed of your many activities, You're doing. a ‘rand job on the home front. I can't seo whure you get all the energy, for oll: the hings’you do,” .. ) | 2 re ae ? 4 .