Te On June 19th I recoived a letter from Ensy Hy De "Sparky" lMoSpadden, .USS Roche,. c/o Fleat Postoffice, New York, whose brovhor, Ins. Larry MeSpadden, has been on duty somewhere in the Paoific. Sparky writes; ‘dvseivod the Rebounds the othor day ond as always that adds. somothing +o +ha dav, Gince I last wrote - you, I've really been doing a little treave;ing. I reesivod my ordors on the 3rd of: June to report to N, Y, on the 6th --. nuediess to suy I was presty disappointed that I didn't get some leave because I was really counting on seeing dear old KU. ~tnvtho ~spr ing -bofor o -leaving; “but somehow-the ‘Navy-didn! + want. it-that-way,. so I guess that will have to wait. . . . When I got to N.Y. I found that my-ship was over in Brookly, so I breezed right over - they informod.me that we were leaving... the States the next day and don't be fooled by the return address. . . « » One thing I'm looking forward to is the possibility of seeing Larry before long, I. really surprised myself as I didnit get a bit. sick and this cooky (known. as the Cock-Roche) rides protty rough. ‘There's one thing. you absolutely have to do and that is 'Keep your: knees bant’' - if you don't,. its too bad. I'm getting to: be. A quite the salt now = think I could walk the weather deck in a 90 mile gale and a 60° list (slight oxaggeration maybe). . hel. oe Wr STW potdate : : "I imagine ‘that. things are moving pretty fast now a the Univergity with. lhe. graduation coming up,. This would be:my..turn to walk the Hill if things. were normal, so my heart will be there ima-few days. In certain ways, though, I'm glad that I have to. come: back, .because I'm really looking forward to ite Just in the.short tine. I've been away. I've had‘ ample: opportunity: to do quite. a bit of thinking and.I believe I'11 got a Lot more out of my studies when I come backs » ¢ » I have.a-: little work to do so I had better close, Give ny bost to Mrs. IHulteen, Elmer, George and the gong, around the offices. I'm going ‘to try to look up-T. ‘Py: when I get out there ==. 1912 tell him hello, because: I know he’ will want: to.hear. from you." Sparky, /len Fisher sent me a photograph of the cemetery at Guam which was reproduced in one. of the newapapers,. He thought it wos .o' Wisconsin paper but we looked it up: and found: it was: the Des Moines Tribune. I.wrote Sec Taylor: to: see if he couldn't find it-in thoir feature section, but Ihave not heard from hin. Doubtless: they could not. locate it in their many files. I wanted to.send it to IMra,; Hunter, She and. oll of -us will be thankful. for your thoughtfulness». Good luck to you,. you fighting Irishman, Ptiered: wee Th vi iduns: a - Opie: Hoyt Baker” (APO 920, Sai Fraheigoo). wrote us: on- June 20-from Bink: Island, and he says: he sometimes wonders how their mail ever reaches. ‘them out there on a small island. Hoyt continues, "The days are very hot. out this way and-a fellow ~i«# sure does plenty of swoating, Botwoert. tho.mosquitoos.:and jungle rot a feilow ie kept quite busy.’ Here oh the: island we are ‘quite lucky dn having such: good re creation facilities. There are quite a few basketball courts .spread around over the sland and. it. is: abowt our main sport, ie even.have flood. lights, so.we can. paey at night. . The days are so hot you: oan hardly stand to exaroise much: ¢ so . Our whole fanily has -pulled:through, this. ness all right. so--far. Ross. ny, next. to the youngest brothor, bad: a‘protty tough timo with the infontry in .Germany, along. _. with many othors;.. I'm: just hoping all. four of us can nake it back home.-seme day, out. “here 4s still:a-job so do, ce ew @ it was. too: bad ‘about Harlan ‘gman, wasn? trig: - it? * Those Germans and” Japs wila never: gst: all that ts coming.to.them, There will be. quite a.fow boys ifrom K.U. that won't Se ‘coming back to the-hill again.and it Lode 18. though: one of: cur toughest battles 2s still eheade e368 en emcee ne tle yen 4 et; ‘wee “AS bs a | Hoyt, I saw Rogor. Alton Sr, the proprietor’ of ‘Fritz Company, .at his station , and he mentioned to: moon Saturday, Jime 2, thot: Harian. Altman was coming back and would be in Loavenworth the next day and.his.father was going ta -get him, -Harinn had a 60 day furlough ond is now at his home in tjallington, but we don't know where z ess su : sie . me Sf = aie