& * Z wert wd : 10. Lt. (jg) Howard Engleman (S.0.Q. Navy #10, San Francisco) is safo, although injured. ‘Je havo had so many inquiries from his friends that wo want you to know that we received a letter from Howard datod Juno 10. Ie says, “Excuse my handwrit-- ing but try putting on 4 pair of boxing gloves. and then write left-handed, and you will see. I an new in tho Hawaiian Islonds in a swoli modern hospital, onting ice crean and drinking malts, (They: don't make you throw free throws for then either.) Well, Doc, I thought for o while I was going to see old Te Pa put I guess my number wasn't on the ticket. We took a suicide off Okinawa lay 8th which put me on the : sidelinos for a whilo to come, I can't tell you our casualties or damages othor tran thot she is still afloat ond will fight again. I think I will be back in the Ssates soon and if I get homes I'll try. to drop by oend.sce you, Dos. I've nissed she old Rebounds, I hope all the boys will bo-as lucky as‘ was, Doc, because there's thousands of lives to be lost yot. Give ny rogards to irs, Allen, Bob and the whole family; also your largor femily. I always think of you and the Univer=_ sity synonomously. is over, pope. atu: cee eee = eee a rh oo een ee et 0 eee eee eee wees ene ewer : : ~ Sao