16. him in and asked him to speak for fivo minutes to tho classs He made a big hit with them, but the way he started out I was not sure whother the girls wore going to like it or not. He said, "I have never scen such young looking children on the campus; It sooms to me as if I can almost hear tho pottor of little foot.” But he ondsd up wita a swoll parting gesture and tho class gave hima big hand and a hearty coodby. I mignt add that Joe is not bad looking ond some vory rurtive giansos were exchanged in those parting moments. Lt. Maurice Baringer (APO 926, San Francisco) writos from the Moluccas: "I was deeply sorry to hear about Fred Eberhardt. He was one of the finost. Men of his calibor will be missed immeasurably in our postwar planning and living. There must be sevoral K.U. Navy men around here but we seldom see any of them. I did see Ens. Bill Schultheis ond 'Buzz' Robbins several weeks ogo. Down here the war is protty quiet right now, so we're playing lots of basketball,. softball and volleyball. i/e have lights so we can play at night while it's coool." From Lt. (jg) J. Frod Harris, ..rmod Guard, Now Orleans, comes this word = "Since I left Panama I've soon a lot of water pass under the keel of the ship I was one wo wont to the Philippines ‘and I don't have to say its a long trip on a tanker. ¢ e e I was surprised ond pleased to find Gordon Schaeffer aboard as steward. He. and I pledged. Kappa Sigma togother and were thru ‘hell week’ ond initiated together. Gordon is Bub Schaeffer's cousin from Russell. He knows Mit and a lot of the boys »" I reccived a long and intoresting letter from S/Sgt. Elon Torrence, written on June l2th.- I enjoyed overy bit of it, Elon, and note that your address is now 3018th AAFBU,. Kingman Arizona. SS 7 , I also have 'reccived changes of address for Major James K. Hitt, Officers School, AGF RD #2, Fort Ord, Calif.s; Lt. Ed As Palmor, APO 350, New York; Glem Oatman, Coxe, U. S. Navy School of Music, ‘ashington, D. C.; Larry Winn, Jr., 8822 Minnehaha Lane, Kansos City, Moe; and lst: Lt. Frod N. Bosilevac, Separation Center, Ft. Dix, New Jerscy. S1/o Jim Mordy is now aot the Theodore Herzl School (Pro-Radio) at Chicago, and says, "Before coming here I met Warren 'Granny' Riegle ot Great Lakes and then ran into him again at the Servicemen's Center down town. We spent a couple of hours talking over K.U. activities together. Hets stationed at Wright Jr. College here in Chicago in tho same Radio Tochnicion program which I'm in," Si/c Frank Pattee is-at the Navy Hospital, Oakland, Calif., and wrote on June 15 as foliows: "I ran across Chicf (Bill) Replogle out here this week and we had & nice visit about Kansas U, and K.U. athletios, He was just back from a leavo home and I can't tell you hownuch I envied hin. He is giving the patients out hore a light athlotic program to help them get back on their foet and in condition again, and is doing a mighty fine job. I just missed Ens. Frosty Hardacro in San Francisco last woek,. Ho had shipped out two days before I looked him up, He is an old home town boy and was conch with Bill Groeno when I went through school at Smith Contore e ce > e Give ny regards .to Henry Shenk ond Elmer Schaake. I wish I could got back this fall. but maybe it won't bo too long before wo aro oll back for goods: I will be looking forward to tho next issue of tho Reboundss" : Ist Lt. ilosloy Re "Dick" Chonnol (APO 238, Son Francisco) writes that he is on Luzon, and has made sevoral trips to Manila, Ho reports that the town is badly torn upe De . Just after the last Robounds was writton wo received: a long, interesting letter from Cpl. Jack "Jocko" Ballard, describing his tour through Gormany. And today I recoivod o V-moil asking that we sond hin no more mail until further notice.