i: 17. _' We were. gricved to learn tho sad nows of the doath of Cpl, Caryl "Jack" Dodds, the son of Caryl Dodés, managor of tho Kansas Public Service Company, Jack had graduated in Engineoring in '44, and had ocen on Nov Guinea’ a very short timo, His fathor was one of the carly K.U. graduates, finishing on It. Oread in 104, Jack had been only rocently marriod.’ Jo extend our sincerdést sympathios to the bereaved familics, ‘On Lay: 12th R. T. "Bob" Fairchild, 1f1 2/c, USS Wharton, San Francisco, wrote as follovs: "You askod me to tell you where wo have been. In the past 2 yoars thet I have beon on this ship I have missed only a very fos of the islands in the entire Pacific Ocoan. iso've been everywhere fron Alaska to Now Zealand, including the Fhilippines, Wo'vo also seen a little action but I can't say much about that." Lots of godd luck to you, Bob, and wo aro glad that you liked old It, Oread even though you wore horo just for your Novy training. lst Lt. Choster C. Gibbans (APO 246, San Francisco), writes on Juno 21: "is you see, I om on Guan, It is o protty little island ond from what I see it could be developed into a wonderful resort spote'. « » Our set-up certainly isn't ony. Park /venue pont house, yet considering what the Marinos had when ’coriing in, I guess we are living in tho lap of gonerous luxury. « » « Doc, you might read of me in the ne ars. or ovoll ‘see me in the newsroels. Just*how the story will turn out I don't know. But at loast it has large possibilities evon thotigimi'*# netwpernitted to.write of them. The Arny will release the story if and when they soe fite . . » Denzel is * now at, louston Texas.