L$. Fob. 2 Set Towa State vs Oklahoma at Norman Feb. 8 roi, Icwa State vs Nebraska. at Lincotn Fob 9 Sas. Karsas State vs liissousr4 at DOr bin Pap scs = fod, Oklanoma vs Nobraska at Lincoln Soo, to. ee. Oki aroma vs Kansas Sisto ag? Moor den eee a ti.ssouss. vs Iowa State ct Amar ee a N-brasko ws Kensas a°5 Laewrons es Fed, 18 lon. Kansas stave vs Lowa Stato ut kmes Poo. 22° °° Fr. Kansas vs Missouvi at Columbia Weg. 27 cag. Oklahoma vse Iowa State at fos Sep, go on. Ifassovr>. vs Nebraska at Lincoln Soe ee Iawa State vs Konvas at Lawror.co 5 Meds O0 " thuve. Betis ve @igie selena, Nesraska vs Kansas Stato at ienhat-tan ler, 2 Sat. Ifissourd vs Oklahoma at Norman - “4 We are delighted to announce tho appointment of Ogden S, Jonos, Jr., as a cadet to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Ogden, Jr,, was in the thickest of tho Scrap against the Heinies up to the last day, but cane tn:ough unscathed, He was flown back to the States and after undergoing a -igorous exan- ination passed that with “lying colors, as he did also the aptitude test. Ogden's Cad is chairman of tho Selsctive Service Board of Douglas County, and is also Secretary of tno Civio Action Council, .dle.de.vieo president of the K. U. Momorial Corporation and is on the board of the Union Operating Committee as an alumi member. lle is Geologist for the Health Board of the State of Kansas (iiater Lab.) here at the University, le are hoppy that this rore distinction has eco to the Jones family, Another one of the Jones boys of Kousas, Dr. He Penfield Jones, is at present hunting on one of the King's hunting preserves in Pisa, Italy, This information came to mo yoaterday from Dr. Hiran T, Jonos while wo wore golfing at the Country Club with Irving Hill ana Ogden Jones. Stevo Hinshaw Stopped me on the street yesterday and asked that I send the Jayhawk Rebounds to his two sons in the service, which we are very happy to do, The boys are both sons of K.U. Wallace B, graduated in '43, Business, and is nn Overseas duty, and Stephen Cc, If, a former student, 145, has been with the Se7th glider inrantry in France, | | ‘ : Just as we are closing this Rebounds we receive the good news of the return of two Lawrence boys -- Pfo, Roger Allen and Pfe, "Ship" Winter, Rog Allen went overseas early this year’ and was in combat during the fighting in the Ruhr’ pocket, t ° 72 “Ship! inter, Jr,, was wounded by mortar fire on tho Remagon bridgehead on March 23. He was with e battalion of combat enginoors with the 99th division of the First Army, and will havo a thir ty-day furlough with his parents, Jfr. and lirs. M.S, Winter, Dr. Androw Mitchell, intorning at Bell Memorial Hospital, did Dr. Robert Ee Allon a fine sorvico in Substituting for him yestorday in Bob!s hasty: departure, Bob is boing sworn in the Navy medical corps today, He is ordering his uniforms, and four days from tho day he is sworn in he is Supposed to report to San Francisco for a short, intonsivo course before Joining up with the assault forces. S Things aro moving fast and furdously thesa days. \Jith boys eome in for a ort. laava bho handwriting 4s. eloarly on the wall. Thore 4a an air of expectancy