if \ ‘ wives, and how many apartments and small cottages we will need to house the fami- lies of the fighting, Jayhawkors. ° Then I told them of the marringe of Lt. Otto'ds. Sehnollbacher, to Thoresh Elizabeth Renner at the Post Chapel in Hondo, Texnse. Theresa Rennor's home is in Aiéxondria, Minnosota. Otto Schnellbacher was 4 “x man in feotball in '42, and a member of tho N.C.AeA. Basketball Champions the same year. What a celebration those big strapping fellows put on! They said, "Now Ray Evans will have to be the next guy in lines "We did not think that they would got eld Otto, but they suro got hin." Sa From an carlier letter received from Otto Sehnellbacher before ho ro= ceived his commission he writes, "Apoin I'm-on top of a commission, foel sure make ite Tho more I am around an B-29 the better I like it, and guess I"j1 see 4 plenty of it from what they keop tolling use Guess I sheuld tell yeu I'm taking on a new bosss~ gotting married ina short timo from now, the 28th of. this monthe In fact it is a very fow days from now, ton of thom - what you know Doc, I!m 9ven ecunting thon." ? 4 eae a2 o one "T hear frem Armond Dixon quite regulorly, ard he seoms to be still kick- ing around. When I left college I figurod*I would:be back in, 1945, but it seems as if we should’ move that date to about 1947. Anyway..I'll be ‘back no matter when it is, Iam always glad to retoive the Rebounds - enjoy thom tremendously." Congratulations Otto on receiving your’ bars} eee - a a . aS -= e one ad SS = e Tho many friends of Warren Rex "Deacon". Andersen, of the Military Intel- ligence Division of tho United States Army, will be happy to know that "Denoon" ~ has taken to his boson a blushing bride. Jfary Jano Keller, daughter of lir. ond irs, As Bruce Keller of Pittsburg, Kansas, is the fortunate young. lady. Thé wed- ding eecurod on HMonday:the twonty-third of July, 1945, at the First Methodist”. @hurch in Fort Worth, Toxas. Wo aro wishing Otto and Mrss Schnellbacher, .and Warren and Mrs. Anderson, o11 of the health, happiness, and wealth that can come to these deserving yowig couples. - ie Yas Oe Major Jamos K. Hitt, 0-327485, Hq. 14, Ashe Command, APO 75, c/e Post= master, San Francisco, California, writes to me giving change of his new address ag obeve.e Major Hitt was tho Rogistrar of the University before going into the service. Jim, we shall be. wishing for your, and yeur families, early returne At Sep, Lt. (jeg) David Franeisco, (1c) USN; USS President idans, c/e Floet Post Offipe, San Francisco, California, writes, "Your very kind letter of Way 4th, together with the Robounds Number 19 ant..16 were included in my last mail call on the 9th of this month, whon' ‘wo received about three week's mail. In the some mail I:-had a lettor from Dr. Lutimer’ and from soveral of my classmates and friends, including Dean Brooks. I eaw Art-Nichols' ship recently, but have not had a visit with him in some timo. Ha jor Carl Lindquist, MC, '27, of 5lst Goneral . Hospital, APO 75, ¢/o Postmaster San Fruncisco, Patitss 18" & loyal Jayhawk who practiced in Kansas City b@fore tho war, and I. saw him recently. I know ho would greatly enjoy the Rebounds, as would my cousin Lt. C. Le Francisco, Mc, AVS, who is very busy with orthopedics at Beaumont Gencral Hospital jmnex, El Paso, Texas." We are very ‘happy to comply with your request, Davide , es tame ° | "vory many times our peaceful surroundings and quist seo hav appoared to preclude possibility of hostilities within hundreds of milese Jind 2 ain we have seen ravagos of war on cities and populations, J am passing on my Robounds to Lt. (jeg.) "Duke" Wellington, son of the managing editor of tho Kansas City Star, wha lives in an adjoining cabin."