18 g/Sgt. A. G. Hulteen, 37227031, army Mail Clork, APO 495, c/o Postmaster New York, N. Ye, who wns o member of the varsity basoball'toam in '31l, '32,. and '33, writes, "Your June 25th Rebounds orrived in Gauhati, assum, Indio, last evoningd As you con probably imegino, I didn't cvon: skip’ a comma. That's one publication I di- gest thoroughly. I have a vory fono desire that somo day, my son, Bob, can be ohe of Doc's boys. I realizo it: will be sone. years bofore ho is roady for x. Ue, . but hopo he can know you as he dovoleps." vey ° "One of these fine days I an going to stroil into your office and drag you out fer a round af golf. “along” with pre ae tho golf ball, we can bat tho. 3 breoze fer a while! gebuke wo shall be mighty happy to°soe you walk into the effice, and . I assure you it-will not tnke too: much persuasion to get me out to the: aforomentioned golf game, Just try it ono, You will be my guest for those games. we Se a.” . From Dean of Mon, Je W. Bunn of Stanford’ University, known” to Kansas, athletic followers as “Johnny"’ Bunn, back in the "20's, comes o very intorosting letter. John.said that the re-rending of the story,of tho Iewn Stato gane was, real fun. He tefers to the "Dream Touchdown Game” in Jayhawk Rebound F176. Then. John says, "Did I ever tell you the sequel? One day in the office I reeéived a call from Glondale, California, .In idontifying himself, ho seid, "I an "Red" Paine, the coach at Iowa State in 1920 when my tean got dreamed out of a football gane by-.that lucky psychic "Phog" Allen." From that point on wo had a gront tine over the-phone at his oxpense. and if you think "Red" doesnot, to this day, suffer.as a result of that gane, just. kid him about it sonetine, He" is a good scout, but it's a sor-. fous matter and-I think he feols o humiliation to be "droamed" out of a game.’ Dre 4 Paine is practicing fodicine, at. Shonioton Yolstoneesen : "Tom sitting fa awaiting a aegnet nein for Europo, which may “be tho: beginning of my return to an active part in athlotics, I can't got it out of ny blood. Sorry +o soe firs. Hultcen loave,." When you read the story of the Nobraska game, :you,recalled that Juhenay Bunn threw the last touchdown pass to Frank Uandovillo, , whieh-that day, defeated ,- Nebraska 20 - 20. Yt was Johnny Bunn who was coach of Stanford's, basketball team ~ When he developed the ineomparablo Hank Luisotti,-the-All-jmorican choice ig any-, body's beok. naa MW. De Partner, U.S oN. Pro-Flight Séhool, Towa city, ‘Towa; wicks: "The dear old Navy soon will start mistering ‘out some of ‘its members and I'm hoping ‘ to be out in time to sco your Jay-Jay= Jaywowkers in action at Lawronce this SEQSOsinw . ond maybe before your schedule starts. So in ‘ontfeipation of ie ie ae to ny job : for Hr. Hac, I'n brushing up on ny rulqs, nomenclature, ete," 3 es er Bofore he wont into tho service, Lt. Partner was Clyde E. MoBride's aedhee tant on the Sports Desk of the Kansas City Star. it, Daniel “net -only writes inter- estingly, but he knows his sports from the inside out. Ho was a star tackle on Kansas State teams years ago and we dre delighted to have him back in our territory again because he believes in clean, hardy, wholesome, vigorous, he-man sports. He is.a mon oftor our own hoart, -