19 We have just gotton word this morning from Corinne Oyler that her husband Lt. Robert B. Oyler, 0-2000896, Hq. 20th Corps, .iPO 340, c/o Postmaster, New York, N.¥., one of our varsity basketball Jayhawkers of '34 and '35, has not received his Jayhawk Rebounds. i/e uro checking back on our old filos, and making cn effort to bring Bob up on his Jayhawk Rebouiid reading. Uncle Sam has done a good job of delivering the Rebounds, but tor some reason he has foilod in delivering, to the Judge Advocate General's Office, this sport dopo. Bob Oyler was County i.ttorney of Douglas County, and a succossful practicing Attorney at Law here when he entorod the service. He has made a fine record, und Bob, wo are doggono sorry somebody shorted out on you. Lt. Lester B. Kappelman writes us from the Hammond General. Hospital at Modesto, California. "This evening I have the old southpaw warned up so thought it would be . | most opportune time to attend to a matter about which I have been most dolinguent. 4, very short time ogo, among a bundle of lctters which followed me to Europe than back again to California, arrived your nice letter to me in France, dated January 3, 1945, Believe it or not, ‘somo of the “letters I've been receiving are over a year old. But, I still enjoy rending them and catching ‘up. on all the news I nissed," "You montioned sending me the Rebounds, but I still hnve never reccived them; and if the mailing Tist hasn't alrondy exceeded your supply of paper, I'd sure appreciate one next timo "you go to presse Outside of a very fow of the fellows whose names appear from,time to time in the Journal-World, ‘I've just about lost out on their whereabouts." ° "tRopo' Engloman must have rogeived some nasty burns in his mishap. I sure hope he is coming along in good shapo. .is for me, I think I have nbout six more months in the hospital. Since I wns home last winter, my arm has been worked on twice, but to date the median nervo has not been succossfully sutured. Altogother, about six centideters of scar tissuo have boon romoved from it, and "next timo" the neuro} surgeon seys he will be able to got good nerve bundles for a.pormanent suture. Today I removed a cast I'vo been wooring for fivo weeks, so colobratod it with a swim in the pool.” "\fe have quite an extensive reconditioning program hore -- a: fine big, well- equipped gymnasium, beautiful swimming pool, and various diamonds and courts, plus fishing and hiking trips in the mountains. Oh yes, out by the swimming pool aro two Goal-Hi courts. I never shoot out thero without thinking of yous Ny left-handed shooting and passing, like Englemon's ponmanship, is improving slowly but suroly. Sure wish I could have had this left-honded shooting, a fow yoars ogo." "With the Athletic Department in its straightoned financial condition, I hope the Training Table monu won't have to include a provision for "Dago" Nesnith with special diet of garlic and red peppers this Fall, to get him back in shape after his Italian athletic invasion}: Or would spaghetti do it, Dean?" Lt. Richard P. Brown, 0-1321320, Co. L, 137th Inf., 4.P.0. 35, c/o Post- master New York, N.Y., the son of Dr, Earl G. Brown, former comaissioner of Health for the State of Kansa&, writes from Belgiun acknowledging receipt of his Jayhawk Rebound and stating thet he still enjoys following the goings on in Kansas. The. 137th Inf. was part of the Kensas National Guard. Lt. Brown states that his first sergeont was a former Lawrence boy - Muzzy. :