20 Captain Francia Kapploman, an "ever victorious" Joyhawker basketcer of 136, big, fine, end handsome, dropped in the office to say hollo. "Xap" has boen recruiting WACS in Chicago from October 1943, to May 1945. His next assignzent was but for tw months in physical training vork at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illinois. On the loth of suguss "Kab" left for Motnor Field, California of the Air Tronsport Command, He planned on sccing his Urother Lester, and wanted to check up to see -whether Lester could shoct a “hook shot" or throw a man out from "desn short" posi- tion. Captain Fransis says it is pleasing to know the wherenbout of the ex+Jayhowkeer$’ and of the great part they are playing in this big fuss. Ensign R. L. (Bob "Ab6é Lincoln") Turner, USNR, 10th Nav. Constr. Brigade, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California, o star guard on our varsity basket= ball teum of 1944, writes at sea, "Sorry to have taken so long between lotters, but circumstances were ngainst me. I raccived the March Jayhawk Rebound in lnawaii, but since I haven't received any mail for three months, I'm behind on the news." "Haven't met iany Jayhawkers, even though I have been all over this oceans Have one traveling with me now named Judge Sloon. He wos hend Sachem a year agoe" Then in a letter dated July 19, Bob writes, “Lt. Ilenry Northberg is also in this outfit. He is from Kansas City and graduated from K.U. a few years back. The Mechanical Engineoring Dept. can well be proud of this man's He really knows his stuff," , "Ensign Judge Sloan (K.U. 145) who was the big shot of. the V-12 unit last year is in tho Engincering Dopt. of the 10th Naval Construction Brignde. He is another very brilliant boy." a "Got into a pretty fair bell game the other day. I beste out that laying around on a ship doesn't holp your physical condition any, Hits you in the legs pretty badly." You asked about Ilr. Quigley. cooching at St. Benedicts.. That was not Ernie Quigley, our Athletic Director, it was his brother, Larry. Keep your knees bent, Abe, a fighting onimal always crouches before he springs. Bob, wo would like mighty well to see you come back to the University and graduate. You havo what it takes, mister. : On July 12, 1945, I received in the mail, a hee Bag with a blue shoot, (an artist's conception) with a cherub faco and head saying, “It's a boyi" Lt. | and Urs. John R. Klino announce the arrival of Robert John on July 3, 1945, weight 8 pounds, 8g ounces. Tho announcement cane from Mrs. John R. Kline, 3022 Philip St., New Orleans. 19, La. . Congratulations to the Kline family, the grandparents and all. duly 3, 1945 is Bob Jllon's birthday, so John you should expect something from Bob Jllen, ealuientt ac this wonderful occasion. We shall always remombor Johnny Kline for the grent genes he played at guard for tho Konsas 'varsity basketball team. He belonged to tho gang that beat Southern California for the Westorn. N.Cselse chane pionship’ in tie Coie Be oe e& eF£ 2& & @& iio ea with thanks the "Telfair Tales" from Commander L.0O. Armel, U.S.NoRe, USS. Tolfair (P4210), Floet Post Office, San Francisco, California. Lyle, you put out a very intoresting brochure. I would be ticklod to death to: quote from your spine tingling recitation, but I notice on the bottora of the "Tales" thie admonition. "NOT FOR PUBLICATION." FLiSH-- We aro delighted to announce that we just recoived word that Commander L. 0. srmoel has been promoted to tho rank of : Captain. Congratulations, Lyle!