24 “unjust to say thant commercialism isabrond in college life whon the exter-. mination of one sport would mean the curtailment of tho possibilities of play. when it is a mattor of making sports pay for sports, the plen is not commercialism! : This survoy was made at the University of hansas. You can sce that the women students brought up the avorago. That is becnuse they did not have that oxtra two hours of intonsive, fatiguing, fundamental exercise. | ‘ Coaches today do not want tho duller or tho slow thinking athleto, so at the presont time I bolievo that the bost athletes are the brighter ones. But, wo still have the thick-honded boy who doos not want to work hard and wants to coast through college. Frankly, I think you will find that the opinion varies as to the individuol," Bee . Sa’ @=@ ee ese we = @ "T hear from jarmond Dixon quite regularly, and ho scems to be still kicking around, ‘hen I left collogo I figured I would be back in 1945, but seems as if we should move that date to about 1947.