a "Bork" wrote on, "Fen savs the two nost important pieces of equipment in the Pacific war up to dato are the LUT's (anphibious tractors) and the LST's," "Tho “pril 26th issue of "Rebounds" arrived this week and as always I was eagar to read it all. I think they get better all the time, but to paraphraso in the vernaculer, "Howinhell do you find timo to get everything done?" "I continue t2 hear from Emic Vanok and Ilurray Brown." “The C.0. of our flotella is a Kansan from Galena, Comdr. Stringer, USNA (1928) and upon mecting him he asked me fromwhonco I came. I stuck out ny chest and loudly proclaimed my nativo state. ‘Ic immediately replied, 'I knew it, you look areirio bred to me,' and I solemly assured him he paid me a very high complinent." "T would nppreciate you conveying my rogards to Mitt and Bob, also Doan Nesmith and Mr. Quigley. Thanks so much for keeping ne supplied with the "Robounds." "By the way, I thought you might be intercsted in knowing that even though this island. was just declared socurc, I saw some fellvws playing on a newly constructed basketbalt ‘court today. Maoybe the war time spread of your game is an indication of things tn came .,” Fron Major and Mrs. John IM, Stratton at 642 Oalx Street, Cincinnati 6, Ohio, Mrs. Kathryn Stratton writes on July 16, "Your latest copy of Rebound has just arrived, and both John and I wish to tell you how very much we enjoy each now issue. Although wo are cbout five years apart in our school associations, there is always something of interest for John and myself, You are reolly doing a marvelous job with your news- lettor! There is only one bit of news which we can offer. John has received his majority on Juno 30, ond is still stationed at Ferrying Division Headquarters here in Cincinnati as assistant to the Division Flying Safoty Officor." "We aro always glad to road the news concerning the s.llen family, and send our congratulations to Bob and Mitt on their comaissions. Juohn was hoping he would =ct to seo them, but now it looks os though our leave won't matcrialize until September. io ere looking forward to seeing you and Mrs. illen ot that time.” Congratulations Major John and Kathryn’ on your well-earned promotion. We shall be happy to soe you when you come to Lawrenco. Captain Jack Ballard, 17082781, Troop 1. 93rd Cav. Ren. Sqe Mocse, APO 263 c/o Postmaster Now York, New York, writes from Simbach, Bavaria, on June 2]. “Just a. few lines from me and then I will have to run. I received the last copy of the Rebounds, and I want to thenk you for Don Eblings address. I sat right down ond wrote to him. . "T wos more than sorry to hoar about Howard Engleman. The same day I ree caived your lettor, there was on article in the Starts nad Stripes about how many blgod transfusions, plasma injections, and the various shots he had had to sustain in his recovery. I hopo that he is back up and on his foct socn." "There was also an article in the Stars ond Stripes about Charley Black setting the DFC. I roally think it was swell that he got the high award. These Jay- hewkers are really making a name for themselves in this great ware Speaking of awards, I was on the receiving end of the Bronze Star Ifcdal for some action up around Cologne that the General said was heroic action against an enomy of the United States, There really wasn't much to it, and I didn’t think that my.cctions warranted a decoration, but that is how it goes."