Bee. "Doc I an lato as usual, but if by chance I miss out on seeing Charlio Blacl:, plense extend to him my heartiest congratulations on his promotion, and eveoraticn, and ebove «ll "congrats" ts both hin end Terry on that new baby. Here's hoping that I get to sec hin" “4 "We aro having a creat time uver here with our athletic progran. Baseball is the precominating gane at the present time, but fontball and baskotball will follow in their rospectivo soasons.e. Wa are allowed 50% of our tine for athletics, and the follows really cat it up. Isn't thet swell?" , Pyt. T. Boan, 15109155, .. Btry, 232 F, Q. Bn., APO 411, c/o Postmastor New York, N.Y., was one of the best basketball players that I havo seon in years when he was hero with the army 4.S.T.P. He wrote mc on the 20th of June from Austria, that ho was still roceiving our Rebounds and that ho was glad of it. Ho says, "I'vo lust most all contact with the basketball world here in justria, and your papor serves &$ O good intcrmodiury. I was particularly intorosted in your story about the all big six center, Johnson." "I'm sitting down here near Kufstein, sustria now with the 42nd Division sne I guress we will occupy this ovuntry until they set up their own government. I ‘et to shoot a few baskets now an? then on an outside count, but how I do miss that sport! I can't wait to get back to the states and to school. I hope I'm lucky cnough to play throe mere yoars of ball under vou. I had a great time while I was in Kansas and I hope to roturn thore. Bost oF luck to you and your ball clubs." Ted, nothing wala nake us hanpicr than to see you enroll at ich University cf Kansas. You ronlly ean hondle that cusnaba in the most approved fashion. Don't forget tho station, Lawrenco, Kansas, U.S... It would bo a great delirht to shake your paw cnd welcome you os ono of our acoptod Jayhawlkors. Lo. (4. is) Glon Cunningham, U.S.N.R.,; eee Dopartnent, Civic ‘Gonter : Room #355, San Dioso, California, the fastest hunan and ono of the finest follows that I have cver not, writes onJuly 4, fron his bivouae thanking us for the Rebound nnd says, "It is always « real treat to cet any bit of news from or about friends ond tho Univorsity. liy duty hore in Sen Diego has beon vory pleasant but is rapidly coning to an enc. at prosont I'm awaiting, orders to nove out of here, In fact I thought I'd he gone bofore this. Don't Imow where they will send me but it will probably bo sea “uty or some, advanced base., It's. time they avo the boys wht. have been out there pee months a chance te cone home and rest, and ive: those of us who have had ‘shoro “uty, tho exporicnce of facing the cneny.. Fortunatoly my family have boen with ne most Gf tho time. They loft only last Thursdoy." "Since entering the service I've met many Kansans. Soveral are in the Dis- vrict here holding down rosponsible positions. I froquently moct others as they come ‘noff their ships. Walt Steiger, Licutenant who is in tho transportation office, ‘rranred for reservations: for my family back te Kansas vin Bamers Forry, Idaho, where, vnoy will visit my parents before joing on to Kansas. Roland Loan, Lt. Comdr. is head of tho Physical Rohabilitation Frogran nt the hospital and is dning a splendid piece 'f work. Several of the men ho has trained have been advanced and taken to other hose vitals t» head the programs thero," . "\horever T co from hore I'll look furward to receivins the Rebounds. From varied sources I'vo kopt somewhat informed of your many activitios. You'ro doing a ‘rand job on the homo front. I can't sco whore vou get all the cnergy for all the shings you do."