2g "T1121 bo oxtromoly happy and I mow all the others will be whon this hor- rible ness is ended and woe cun return home. [ansas is and always has boen tha gran- cest place in all tho world to me. Tho weather herehas beon a dit unusual, There have been a few mornings of liquid sunshine. The others have been foceye Vhat I wouldn't sive to soc a Kansas sunrise." Lt. (jogs) Clifford M. Shonk, USNR, armod Guard, S. S. San Jackson, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisev, Crlifornia, a brothor of our head man of football, iy, Honry Shenk, states, “It has been tetter than fifteen yoars since I graduated froa good ale Lawrenco Mish and enrolled “on the Hill", Howevor, it seoms only a few years since Iwas plazing football on that schvol's tean, first undor Sevort Higeins and then undor lelvin Griffin, two of tho finost men and coaches I cvor imoWe I was indood fortunuto to have had thon for coaches. They stood as powerful exanples of the success of the athlotio’ dopurtment of Knnsas University." "s Note: Severt Higgins was one of the Kansas football immortals who played in the 1920 Nebrasku game, but who died while coaching the Lawrence High School. "T was intorosted.to hear about my former coach, lol Griffin. I had tolked to Mrs. Griffin ovor the phone last Fall while in Long Beach, so lmew he was an officer.in the Marino Corps. Thore is no question but that he is doing a lot to make that tho splondid fichting outfit that it is." ee "Tan ;otting to see n great deal of the Pacific. Have visited a groat nany ports both in Now Guinen and the Phillippines. «as a comannding officer I have the good fortune to bo allowed nshoro in.many places where it would be impossible other- wise. I have not run across many of the fellows T knew at K.U. but hope to do 80. 2g went through indoctrination at the University of 4’rizona with Carney Snith and Bus Burchomi. Ralph Grahan of K, State was one of my buddies there also. I wos surprised and pleased the other day to bunp into him on the streot in a port in the Phillippines, Ralph is doing an All-imerican job as recreationul ufficer nt the. Navy Base thore. I neoe net tell you, I guoss, thrt.ho is, 2 splendid athlete, a fine sportsnan, and an all-round swell guy. We had «© guod visit and I hope to see him again while out this way." 7 ° ; : ";pparontly you think that the prospects for fobtball for this Fall are pretty good. Naturally I am vitally interosted in the success of Honry‘s teams. I know that with a fairly evon bronk his toams will come vut on top, {Maybe I'm prejudiced). By the way, you night do me a favor and cast a hint to him that his kid brother in the Pacific would like to hear frm hin a little more often," Yrs. Allen and I wore happy to hoar from R. T. Fairchild, Mch/2e, USS’. Wharton, Floct Post Office, San Francisco, California, on august 4, Bob wrote-at seo, saying "It would be nice if vour son Bob were stationed on ny ship... Don't be ° 2 2 . e : 1 surprised when this mess is ovor to see me cone bursting, in, Has" Bob Fairchild was stationed at the University of Kansas with .the first cone tinrent of Machinists ates. ilIrs. Allen and I net him and several others at church. service, and asked Bob home to dinner with us. iJo are glad, Bub, thut you plan to como back ond visit us "for old time's sake." oie