31 cliff, the Mayor, chief of police, ond the leader of the town band have been ..tified to be on the alert for news of your coming. ‘We will welcome you with open TMS « . Commander R. E. Laub writes to thank us for disseminating, as he dosoribes it, interesting news of former k.U. boys who sre now in the armed forces. He says, "T have enjoyed it so much that I want to ¢ive you my change in address so I will cone tinue to receive it. Ily new address iss: Commander R. E. Lamb, 2567 North Quebec, arlineten, Virginia, and my new duty station is at the Bureau of Acronautics, Navy Department, Washington D.C. I hnve just recently been promoted to commander and had transferred to the regular Navy shortly before tho war, so I expect to remein in tho Jevy for as long as they will have me. I have just complotod u two year post gradu- te courso at the U. S. Naval jcateny in Radio Ensineering and expect to be doing radio .ngzineering work in the Bureau of Aeronautics for a good while. We just Doujsht our ucuse here in Arlington ond hope to bo in Washington for awhile, If you havo the occa= sion te visit Washington, I would De honored t: have you look me up. ‘You can reach ne t the Navy Department, Bureau of deronautics, Radio and Electrical Section, or at ny 10110 Thanks Commander R, E., I will make an notation, and hope to see you sometime. we are very proud of you. Lt. We ©. "Dub" Hartley, Control & Planning Division, Bldg. 201 Ft. Iason, San Francisco, California, writes that he is enjoying, the Rebounds, as is ut, Fe Be Park of Cha nute, hansns, USS Stockdale, e/9 leet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif, Lt, (jeg) Wn. Murray Brown, NAS Theatre, Corpus Christi, Texas, writes thats ne is curious to mow if we ure still continuing, Dr. jllen's “Happy Hour on the Hill," urray says, "Lucy is still here and tryinz to enjoy this insufforably hot weather, The humidity of this country is terrific and you can just stand around and perspireée Sam Barry, famous haskethall coach at the University of Southern California, has been cransferred to Chicago, and Lt. Commander Larry Mullins is our new athlotic officer." Jurray, an old Warrensburg Teachers and Kockhurst Cojlero star, took his masters de- scree here at the University. I have two letters from two very fine Haskell Indian Institute boys. Pvt. James E. Williams, 1005995, Rooruit Dopot I.C.Be, Soa School, San Diogo 41, California, vas a Junior Rotarian in Lawrence, and one of the all-around athletos ond lenders at Nis school; Jim says, "after only two weeks of training I ws transferrec here for Sea School. I never thought I would be « Soa School Marine, Our busic training here is much like Officers Training." "The way the city of San Diogo is camouflaged is renlly amazing. There is a huge net completely covering the city snd most of the buildings that are not covered “y nets ure painted four or five differont colours to blend in with its torrain, Our roof tops and parade grounds are so painted that they lock liko struams and bushes fron the air." "How is the Rotary Club? I got a lot out of those neetings setting to meet u11 thosa swoll follows and shake thvir hand,"