32 Pvt. Jaco Severs - 37812257, Co. "C", 114th Bn., 78th Rect.,Camp Robinson, - srkansas, writes, "I fecl I an a forner Javhawker, which has always been ny wishe I want to attend K.U. when this is over. I wrote to Conch Hitt Allen, Ho'll be shipping out svon I ;uess." Pft. Severs played on Lt. (jes) Milton Allen's Haskell baskotball tean last winter after Kansas varsity "K" man, '40 and '41, Coach J'arvin Vandaveer entered the service. Jim Williams was a star on both the football and busketball team out enlisted in the marines imaediately after football seuson, Delmar L. Curry, Y3c, NSD -- Navy 3205, FPO, Son Franciseo, California, tennis great, and "K" man, '34, '35, and '36, writes on July 31, from tho Admiralty Islanes. “Arrival of your Rebounds certainly providus one of tho mail highlights of the month. Seems grund to hour about oll tho fellows wo haven't been ablo to see in years." . "Our main duty here at the Naval Supply Depet continues to bo the same-- to seo that the Fleet gots the million and one things needed to keep the Floet trains operating. However, we have just oponed a new Recreation Center which is supposed to be tho fanciest in the Southwest Pacific. Wo huve fivo quonsets siven over. to a li- brary, writing, reading end gune rooms with indirect lishtiny;, stained built-ins and other comforts cf stateside duty. Our library has a newspapor section that really rivals the one at tho Univorsity except thut wo'ro ubout fivo woeks late in petting them. We pet all the leading papers fron throughout tho country and wo Keep up pretty woll