57 Major Stith's victory ribbon of the first World War shows three battle stars, and his Meditorranean-Europenn theatre ribbon of Worl War TI, shows eight campeign stars. He aiso woars a unit citation awarded to the unit for outstanding work in close support of the infantry in Tunisia and Sieilys; and an oak leaf cluse ter for sinking a Gorman battleship in La Spezia harbor. Major Stith is now on thirty days leave and reports for duty at Senta Ana, California. Mrs. Hulteen just phoned and said not to mail George's Rebound to him; and that looks to us as though ho might bo coming home soon! The day that you boys havo been fighting for since Pearl Harbor is here, I do not know how many more Rebounds will be necessary. Certainly I have made up in bulk what I heve lacked in promptness in getting this Rebound to yous I have had a vory difficult time getting it out, but I assure you that we will not let any of you boys down, even though you do not return to the states for quite some time. These communications, of nocessity, will be more brief, but we will give you boys, (on the various occupation areas) the news as it comos to uSe But, tho home front is not all rosy. The peace, for which we aro all so thankful for, came so suddonly that it disjointed business in its kaloidoseopic change. It is prodicted that eight million men will be out of work by the time snow flies. - But, the phychology of business, by this time, is firm and optomistie. Your Commander in Chief is doing a great job in dropping many controls and clearing the track ina splendid reconversion program. In the next month, wo will have millions back for work, so you boys who are still in the service, don't race your motors. I know how you feel, naturally you will say, "Who are these guys to give us this kind of advice?" , When you do get back and toke advantage of the educational angle of the G. I, Bill of Rights, vou doubtless will have tho "best go" so far as the benefits to the servicemon aro concerned. That much talked of two thousand dollar loan is largely a myth. It sounded good, but practically, you can't borrow two thousand dollars from any bank, or anyhody else, unless your individual credit is good for two thousand dollars, Your service reeord may be good for some things, but these bankers won't loan money on that. But the educational advantages will pay off. . The authorities say that we will have a deprassion, but the eall for much mental anguish will not be like the 1930-33 depressions; not as bad or os pessimistie, but it will be plonty tough on people while it lasts. War orders were cancelled so rapidly and so many factories were elosed that naturally millions of people are out of work. .ibout nino months from now the authorities think that we will be on the biggost upswing of prosperity that we have ever faced, and this prosperity will cone tinue for at loast five yenrs, . Howunlike the period following the last World War. The boys came back, they were out of jobs, prices were high, and they had to pay twice as much for a suit of clothes os when they entered the service, and thore were no jobs to be had. This time it has got to be different. Now automobiles will be pegged at their 1942 prices. Of course, the black market boys are reaping a bonanza now, because people are paving any price for a care