: | 20. Rusty says, "From my particular front I have little to report; things have quieted down now that the trapped krauts in our rear areas have been corralied and our supply lines reopened. \Je have been sitting here cn the Elbe Piver for some time, straining our eyes for a glimpse cf the Russians, who sre very close since we were given a no fire order not 15 min. ago. . . It was quite a rat-race getting | hwre from the Rhine; more cften than act we moved day and night, sometimes meeting stiff resistance, sometimes none wnutsoever. . . Spring has hit north Germany in force now; we're all getting the usual fever and just plain lazy. I imagine spring has reached tho camnus. I can picture how lovely 1t must be at home, and hope. that scmshow we can menage that last trip. .. . I imagine Bob has deveioped a fine bed- side mauner. Isn't he in Kansas City?" Yes, Rusty, as you will read elsewhere in this letter, Bob is at Bell HMemurial. fy first hitch ot this letter was-a week ago. We do a part of it, then we have interruptions and & day passes, or- maybe two, and then we write again. Things on the international front have happened so rapidly that we ore enamored of tho. idea to carry this along hoping that the grand finale in Europe would happen before we finished the letter so we could say, Selah! But enough has already happened for us’ to philosophically gaze. back two thousand years and. think of the lowly Nazarene who taught fellowship, love of one's neighbor, and equality. ind then to move our sights forward, and. think of a group of men who in an era less than two hundred years ‘ago and up to the present time kicked’ a lot of those theories tomporarily into dis- card - Frederick the Great, Nietzsche, Bismarck, Hitler, Mussolini, Hironito, and the rest of the cutlew gang are as impotent as their teaching. A limerick runs through my mind which expresses it:aptly: The nother bee is a: very busy, SOUL. ccce ‘She has no time for birth control....ePerhaps that is the reason in ‘times. like - theseeeeesThore are so.many sons Of D'Seeccoce. ; . With V-E dasy fast approaching may we offer a. toast to our all-American java- drinkers when we say, "Let's dunk Doenitz, and let's clip the Nips, leering: at-us through those inhuman slits. ind wren Russia's Unele Joo, whose limitless maelstrom will overflow quaking Tokyo, then holl-center will be no no!", To all of you Jayhawk Robounders, we are anxiously awaiting your return in the same spirit as these ppauc teu lines: “Wiigito “Ex? tH sailor, hone. from tho Soa, -and the hunter home from the hills." Very sincerely yours, } -* Prob Nees Cbs sod Node, i | el pdeaeae oe Physical Rduention, MAS FCA: Ail Varsity Basketball Coach.