JAYHAWK REBOUNDS May 26, 1945 No. 16 Dear Fellew Jayhawkers: In our Jayhawk Rebounds issue Noe 16 last month I promised that I would reprint the stery of "Listening For a Droning Plane", and the fight that Bill Johnson waged on that memorable night back in 1932 when Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma were fighting it eut fer first place in the Big Six championship basketball race. __ Back in 1924 when I wrete "My Basketball Bible", I wrote a story about the big game - that Kansas-Missouri epic struggle back in 1923, describing the ever=victerious team when they conquered the Tigers twice in a single yeare My purpese in writing this stery was to try te impress the ceaches and readers that inspirational ceaching plays a great part in victoriese It is just as valuable fer a ceach te recognize the psychology of coaching as it is for him te mew plays, formations and alse te understand the physical struc- ture ef the beys whe are playing en the team. In the present book, “Better Basketball", I have enlarged that section under the heading, Tales of the Yesteryears. There are seven yarns that I have getten tegether and all of them are based on fact. This steryof Bill Jehnsen is as definitely a part of my teaching of basketballas are the fundamentals contained in my text. Listening For A Droning Plane For I dipt inte the future, far as Human eye could see, Saw the Vision of the world, and all The wonder that would be; Saw the heavens fill with commerce, Argesies of magic sails, Pilots ef the purple twilight dropping Down with cestly bales; Heard the heavens fill with shouting, And there rained a ghastly dew From the nation's airy navies grappling In the central blue. --Tennyson. In his lene flight from America to France, Charles A. Lindbergh, in 1927, heoked up the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower, and thus further materialized this poit's prophetic dream of almost a century before. In lesser degree, in his own smaller world in the middle west, Bill Jehnson, phenemenal Kansas center ef 1932, electrified basketball feollewers by @ hereic flight from his family's grave let in the cemetery at Oklahoma City, Okla., te the basketball court en Mount Oread at the University of Kansas e On this particular Saturday night, the universities of Missouri, Okla- 187.6