tied with Misseuri for the titles But, if Missouri should iese and Kansas should win, Kansas would be the undisphted champion of the Big Six Conference for the third consecutive time. We were hoping that this additional 30 minutes would land Bill Jehnsen in our dressing rooms in time for the game. ' Our team's pregame meal was a tense though drab affair. The group was on edge. The air was charged with mental static. Not one player mentioned the probability of Bill's coming. All day the press had announced for a certainty that Johnson was definitely out of the game. When I exeused myself, presumably te step out fer an instant, anxieus and startled leoks swept from ene player to another. Actually, I had left them, intending to accompany Dr. Ae Je Anderson, our Medical Adviser, te the lecal airport te meet and, if necessary, to administer te our expected and most welcome air passenger. At the airport, minutes flew. Soon darkness came on and made a landing» at our unlighted airport impossible. So anxious was eur vigil and so intense eur watch that at twilight I called te Dr. Anderson, “Here comes Bill from the southwest. ' Fervently desiring his arrival, I had peered se intensely into the far- distant herizen that a piece of waving heavy tape had created an optical illusien which made me see the thing that I most desired to see--an airplane with Bill Johnson in it. With pitch dark upon us, nonplused and confused and disappointed and minus eur prized cargo, we hastily drove the 3 miles back te the gymnasium. ‘I entered the team's quarters and found the boys, outwardly quiet, dressing for the game. Minutes were precieus now. Less than an hour remained. Eyes were anxious, muscles taut. My untimely absence was still a mystery to them. Yet I had net a word nor a sign from our precieus argesy of the air$ Serieus business this. All minds and hearts on the game just ahead. Suddenly, this ominous silence proved toe much for one of our playerse He - rushed up and challenged me with a shout, “You knew where Bill Johnson is! You know where he isi Even if he doesn't shew up, I'll win that damn game myself. "Quiet, you,” I shouted. I did not kmow where Bill was and so stated in emphatic terms and ordered him to restrain and calm himseif. Suddenly, a summens came from the outside, "Telephone for you, Coach Allen." I rushed upstairs to the telephone and te my unrestrained delight ever the wires came the voice of the argonaut of Kansas' hopes. Long past nightfall, the ship had landed ata lighted airpert some 30 miles awaye Bill Jehnson had taxied from there to our owncity limits and had telephoned me to ask if he should eat before coming on te the gymnasium. Three hours and a half by air and 30 minutes overland by taxi had left Bill groggy. He had but 30 minutes te come the remfining 5 miles, to dress, and te warm up befere the whistle blasted the start of the game. "Eat nothing," I shouted. “For heaven's sake jump in that taxi and tear up here with all your might." aS: Back dewnstaffs I lunged. I fairly flew inte the dressing room. I was treading on thin air. I whispered the goed news to my assistant coach and teld him te stay behind and help Bill and bring him to the field house as 190.