- > ee : * Johnson in our: dressing roons” ‘in time for the” —— stacy LV OL .OWs ~ ‘ Our team's pregame meal was a tense though. ‘arab afPaits ‘The group was ‘on’ édge. The oir was charged \ with nehtal”statics Not oneypliyer mentioned the “probability of Bill's coming. © ALT day’ “the® press “had ‘annouriced for a certainty _ that Johnson ‘was definitely out of’ the’ game . “Vhon ‘T sxcused myself, presumably ~~. to step out for. ‘on ‘instant, ‘anxious and ‘startled ‘Looks: ‘swept from one ‘player to wenother. “ictually, 1. had” left them, intending to accompany Dr... J. Jinderson, our Medical Adviser, to tho’ “Loeal airpore to méet* ee ee ibe! ‘administer to our expected and most’ welcome air passenger.” I ObioS t i Li aod At “the ‘airport, ‘A ninites’ flew, ‘Soon darkness came vonv-and»*made a londing at our ‘unlighted. airport: ‘impossibley Se°anxious was our” vigil. ond so intense our watch, that, at twilight | rT ebt led, to" Dre ee: a Sones: ponct sam the-south-~ west." en ,opderwed do . Fervently. desiring. his arrival, I had eiaped 4 sO | topenaly into the far- _... distant horizon that. @ piece of waving’ heavy: tape” thad créatéd an optical illusion ' which made me ‘see the: ‘thing het” = most "aeetred! to: see-son ee wield vid. Johnson in it.” ) .¥meD .¥l | eae With pitch dark upon us, nonplused and tend sintt Gene ‘ent minus our prized cargo, we hastily areve the'3 riiles back':to ‘the gymmasium, I entered the team's quarters and ‘found’ the boys, ‘outwardly quiet, ee po RO EPMO. 2 ooo roy by "Minutes were precious now. Less “thatian’ ‘hour rémiaiviéd a ‘Eyes were: anxious, “miscles taut. My ‘uritimély absence was still a mystery: to: yale « ‘Yot T’had not a word nor a’ ‘sign frdm our precios argosy of the airl» Lite OOP si EE Serious business’ this.” “ALL minds ‘and hearts on the game just ahead. re suddenly, this ominous silence proved too muéh' for '6n6of “oureplayérss He rushed " Mp and challenged ‘mo with’ a’ ‘shout, ““Y6u ‘knowwhére Bill Johnson’ ist «You‘know where he ist Even if he doesn't show up, IP] win: ena Gua —_— mysolee" * "Quiet, you," I shouted. I did not know nave. ‘Bill: was and so stated in empha tis terms end ordered him to" restrain and Seam" ‘Aimselfiog 2 Suddenly, a summons Came from the Sinhadenn Pets phone wan OM, . Coach Allen." I rushed upstairs to the telephone and to my unrestrained delight ever the wires came the voice of the’ erponaut oF” ‘Kansas* en a Long past. fightfall, the “ship had: ifasrasae ata Viphited aa, ‘bots 30 miles away, “Bill Johnson had taxied from there’ to ouxown city: Limits’ oan had or me to ask if he should eat* before’ coming ors “to the gymnasiums: | << Three holirs and ‘a half by’ air and 50° ‘minutes overland: by: taxi had left : ‘itt. grogeys - He ‘hed but 30 minutes to come thé: remaining’ 5 niles, ‘to: a and to warn ap before the" whistle blasted the start ~. ie B going ene ee Fee aBebAAE, * T alowsed, > mer heaven" s “sake ‘jan in’ that vat ‘ond tear up here with all your might" ease : ‘Back downstairs i lunged: ie fairly flew into the dressing room, I was “treading on thin air.” T whispered the good news tomy assistant coach’ and told “him to stay behind dnd ‘help Bi11 ‘and bring’ him to" tie itr. house as soon as “possible, We had but 25 minutes left, : . neeitis on, oho” I shouted, todép: and after flee onda Henk Sooners 3"