4 of*all sports, and asked thet I apply for the job at Kansas State. Ho had. in mind a reciprocal’ trading wherein ho ould go +o ee He of course painted a rosy picture for my chances at Manhattan. Dr. S. J- Wators wus prosident of tho institution, ana Lr. Wn. IL. Jardino, president lator at Kansas State, was .chairnan of the avhletie soord. Iiixe Ahearn was professor ae hort:.cu' ture and not aS tant time connevted wivh athictics, I made the trip to Manhattan and met Dr. Jardine, Dro H. H» King, who. is now chairman of the avhlotic coart, and Mike Ahearn on the_goif scurea.s..I_applied,.but did not get the job. Jehriey Yender had rude sho arraneenent with 4. Gy Cievergur who is now Director of a*hietics at Indiana VJnivorstty. to take ovor Clevenzer's job at the University of Tennesseo, whiie Clevenger cane to Kansas State as: — 89} Re of Athletics in andor Ss position. “ % So: natured ly whon I-was meesing Kansas State with the firs’ athletic’ team under my command, I was protty norvous abot the outtonme of that footoall games Especialzy so when our kansas teum avewaged but 162 jo, to tho man, a waight lighter than most high scniocl teams in