JAYHAWK REBOUNDS November 20, 1944 Ne. 12 Dear Fellow Jayhawkers: I have been gold-bricking on youe They elected me president of the Country Club this fall and we have been trying to rejuvenate the place out theree We have personally supervised the sanding of the floors, installation of a new ceiling, painting end general repair work. And besided handling the various drives for the University, such as the National War Fund and Community Chest in Octeber, and now the Sixth War Loan, as well as the general administration of the Physical Education Department, I have been incidentally attempting te coach a basketball team. I looked at the date of the last Jayhawk Rebounds, No. 11, and find that it is dated September 12, 1944, and this morning is November 20, - more than twe months since I have written you boys on the many fronts. But alibis are never any good when a fellow has to get the job done of Jayhawk Rebounding. So just prior to the football game with the Missouri Tigers on Thursday, Nov. 23, in Kansas City at Association Park, I will try to give you a review of the past football season up to the present time. Coach Henry Shenk has had a dickens of a time. On November 1, just at the time when the team should be hitting its stride, many of his stellar performers were called to the other fronts fer further servicing by the Navy. This is a fair and modest appraisal eof the efforts of the fighting Jayhawkers. We have net overdone it either by too much praise or too much alibiing. Old-timers rubbed their eyes the 2lst of October when Kansas administered the first licking te a Nebraska football team in 48 years on the Kansas field. Only once in all thet time had they even been tied - the famous 20-20 tie of 1920. It was the first time in 26 years that any Kansas feotball team had beaten a Nebraska team on Jayhawker soil! To make the victory even more outstanding, Nebraska walloped a Missouri team that was rated 30 points better by a scere of 24 te 20 in Lincoln a week before, which was the major upset of the Big Six seasonto date. To the Kansas team should go the credit for smashing this 48-year-old jinxe The first K.U. score came in the first half when Charles Keller blocked a Nebraska punt which was recovered by Warren Riegle in the end zone for a teuchdown. In the third quarter the Kansas team drove 60 yards and scored with @ screen pass only te have the play called back because of an offsidese But Kansas was not to be denied. later, big Don Barrington after alternating with Charles Moffett in carrying the ball down tte the Nebraska 5 yeu = never knew hew much I appreciate it, and I speak fer many ethers." You ask abeut Vance Hall, Harlan, se we are glad we can tell yeu abeut hime Just a few days after your letter arrived, I received a letter frem Vance. He is with the 2nd Op. Tage Unit at Hemestead, Flerida, and I knew he weuld be happy te hear frem yeoue Frem Capt. Harley L. Andersen, APO 557, New York: "The jeb ever here centinues te be pretty much the same as it has been rightaleng. This month has been umusually imactive, lets ef feg and rain which has kept the Forts on the ground right at the time when they were needed the mest. They have been eut the past twe days, hewever, and I can imagine what a welceme sight they were te the greund ferces whe have been having a tough time of late. « « « Altheugh facilities are rather limited, we de have what leeks like a basketball / court and get in a ceuple ef games a week. Have a league im this air ‘division and se we are off te a seed start. This is a large base, and basketball talent is quite plentiful. I'd like te see Hech Auditerium new that it has been re- decerated, but even mere I'd like te be areund te see a few games. Since that is impessible I'll be fellewing the results very eagerly ever heres. « « « My yeungest brether reperted te Ft. Leavenworth fer his first physical t he middle part ef Nevember. Wen't be leng new fer him and I'm waiting te hear which branch ef the service he will enter." Frem Pfo. We. R. “Bob" Fitzpatrick, APO 228, New Yerk, "I am in France new and have been here fer a few months. Abeut six weeks ago new Mi.P. Bus. were fermed and se that was where I ended up. Went threugh some training and am now werking. You prebably knew how much everyone leves an M.P.J" Stay in there, Beb, we knew yeu are deing a good jeb. ; ; Capte We G. “Bill” Wade, whe flew se-many missiens out ef England, ever enemy territery, is back in the States fer a rest and instruction. He is new at Celumbus, Ohie, at the Leckbourne Army Air Base. Ense Hubert "Hub" Ulrich, c/e Fleet Pesteffice, San Frencisco, says, 145.6 “Have had my ewn beat since the first ef July and with the fine crew I new have aboard, I am heping te give the Jas a few lessens seon. .. Knute Kresie is in anether area and I haven't seen himfer quite a while. He is due tebe back and wee all of yeu, se maybe he will pap in en yeu one of these days. I was expecting te de likewise seen, but with all the new fronts epening, 1 imagine it will be seme time yet before they will let me ge. .« . . Keep the Rebeunds ceming - they are a bright spet among a let ef dark clouds." Cpl. James R. “Ray" Harris, writes frem Miami Beach, Fla., "I am still statiened on the sunny beach ef Flerida. I have been here a year now, and I enjoy my werk mere every day. Our pregram has enlarged and that makes fer mere activity. The Red Cress and the Physical Training department are deing lots in helping the fellews enjey their stay at the Redistributien Station. One afterneen I was in a velley ball game - I leeked up the beach and whe did I see - Don Ettinger. He had returned from England and was passing through the station. . . Another surprise was running inte Gerdon Clucas in a dime stere last week. Gerdon was bread jumping fer Kansas when 1 came te Ke U. His stay in Miami was shert, because*he was geing heme fer Christmas. He had been out ef the States fer ever a year. I gave him my November mumber ofthe Rebounds. He: — said Wade Green is a father now and is a majer in the Army." Thanks fer yeur newsy letter, Ray. We are happy te hear abeut all the beys you have seen. You asked abeut Ed Elbel. He is at Randelph Field, Texas, and I know he will be glad te hear frem you. Cpl. Hoyt Baker, whe wrete from Oakland, Califernia, just before Christmas, said that he was surprised and delighted ene evening when walking down the street and bumped inte Wayne Replegle, whe is stationed at the Oakland Naval Hespital. I knew you and "Bill" will have a great time tegether, Heyt, if yeu have a chance fer a goed visit. Lt. (jg) A-M. "Murray" Brown is. new at Cerpus Christi, Texas, and says, “I know you need no intreduction te the efficer in charge ef athletics here - Lt. Comdr. Sam Barry, whe tried se hard te beat Kansas in Kansas City a few years back. I cans till see "Rope" grabbing that leese ball and getting set fer what was a perfect shet. What an evening that was fer Kansas and what I weuldn't give te see anether game just like that one." Ens. Je P. "Paul" Turner, c/o Fleet Pesteffice, New Yerk, writes of having seen Jehn Fleyd, one of Hank Iba's star basketball player's, whose heme was in Kansas. Paul says: "Before I left Nerfelk I saw the Naval Training ~ Statien beat Fort Bragg by abeut 40 peints. NTS had Jehn Fleyd, an Okla. A. and M. bey in '57, '38, '3S9, playing fer them. He's a Chief Specialist in athletics eon the base. . . . He used to play high scheel ball against “Repe" Engleman and Bruce Veran in the Ark. Valley, then he went te Okla. A. and Me... Jehn said he saw Den Ebling while in Nerfelk." From Lte Jim R. Surface, USMCR, Dana Point, Calif., cemes this message? “One of my goed friends at my station in Hawaii was a friend ef yeurs, Lt. Cemdr. Rellie Williams, former basketball ceach at Iewa:U. He was the athletic di- recter at the Naval Air Statien where I served for abeut 18 monthse I get te know him fairly well, expecially as a fishing cempanion, and he is certainly a® fine gentleman. He was very well liked at the station, and many were the bull sessions which, mere eften than net, would end with Rellie telling basket- ball steries - especially a beut Dec Meamwell and Rellie's playing days at Wiscensin. I could always needle hima little abeut that last pasteing the beys from Mt. Oread gave him, but he was a grand spert abeut it. The naval efficer whe had the reem acress frem mine alse knews you, and yeu may remember hime He was Jim Wells, new a Lt. (jg) in the Navy, and formerly a sports bread=- | 146. caster from Buffale, N. Ys Jim teld me that he interviewed you en his pregram several times when you were traveling threugh Buffale." Yes, indeed, Jim, of ceurse I knew Rellie Williams. He is a grand chap anda fine ceach. We had a terrific time with his basketeers at Iewa City, Winning out in a flash by 2 peimts. And ef ceurse I remember my geed friend, Jim Wells, and the interview with him im Buffale, where we played en eur sur- prising eastern trip. I theught we weuld have a let ef treuble with St... Bemaventure's, but the beys played te my surprise and amazement, winning by a seere ef 55 te 22... - s I have always theught that the Kansas basketball team, riding the ceaches with the service men en that eastern trip, many ef whem were wounded, get a new cenceptien ef this war. They certainly ferget their petty treubles be- cause they swarmed all ever the eppesitien. We won four straight games, coming back with a theusamd per cent on our eastern jaunt - which is semething! I want te acknewledge receipt ef a letter frem an eld time friend, Ed White, ef New pert, R. I. I remember he was in my class at Springfield, Mass. YeMeCeAe College back in 1931. He imvited Mrs. Allem and our family te New- pert, Re [., and turned ever his summer cettaze fer twe weeks on the shere. We bathed in the wonderful salt water four times a day and get as teugh as leathers: When the war is over I would like nething better than two levely weeks om the sheree Mrs. Allen and the girls visited the Newpert Coleny where they had Red Cress benefit secial sessiens, and the wemenfelks went threugh the .; summer gardens and hemes ef the Asters, the Vanderbilts and some of the Four Hundred elite. Persemally I stayed on the shere, and refused to shave all the time I was there. I got mere kick out ef the silk-stecking brigade's enviren- ment at that distance. | But I did enjey the hespitality ef Ed White and his family. Beb and I played beach tennis with a small net, a ceuple ef paddles and a sponse ball. We really had seme sessions! Beb was abeut ten years of age. Lt. Geerge Stapleten is the Physical Training Officer at the Walla Walla Army Air Field. Geerge says, "Our basketball team is met tee red het as yet but we de have pessibilities. . . . Our Air Ferce is divided inte feur districts. We are in the nertherm district. The winners ef the four districts play eff im San Framcisce, and the winner there represents the Air Ferece in a Natienal Tourmament in New Yerk, en March 15th. The jeker in getting up a geod team lies im the fact that these men must de all ef their practicing amd playing after they have fimished their day's werk. Seme ef the beys werk as high as 12 and 16 heurs at a time, se yeu can see that they are tired when they ceme eut te practice. We find hewever that if they de come eut after they get eff werk they are really seld en the game, and they are swell te werk with." It leeks as if yeu have quite a schedule, Geerge. Mere pewer te yeu. We are mighty preud ef the way yeu are geing. Frem Capt. Ferrest G. Stith, APO 650, New Yerk, a brether ef E. G. Stith, fermerly Fereman ef the Umiversity Press: “Even theugh accident ef birth teek place fer me in Misseuri, I de enjey every word ef yeur Rebeunds. Ne. 12 just arrived yesterday. My Summer Session attendance and asseciatien in classes with Schlademan, Dr. Naismith and yeu in 1924 (20 years age!) pulls me te Mt.» Oread mere than yeu think. My chief clerk, a Hutchinsen athlete, S/Set. Beb Streup, is a member ef eur Wing Hq. team new. . . » Abilene is the heme tewn ef “Ike", but alse the heme ef 50% eof Ce. H, 139th Inf. By the way, I hear the eld 35th is doing all right ever there new." — 147. Yes, Ferrest, I remember these times in 1924, and it doesn't seem like twenty er mere years age, dees it? _ Many of yeu beys will remember our fine tackle on the feetball team im 1936 amd 1937 - Freddie Besilevac. He is now a first lieutenant in the Medical Cerps, and writes frem Carlisle Barracks, Pa. Fred says, "There are 40 ef us KU. medics mow stationed at Carlisle Barracks fer 6 weeks of in- tensive medical field service training. We have the largest single agsre- — gatien ef medics frem ene scheel in the 64 0.T.B., and usually clese a dance er party at the Officers Club with the ever-beautiful and fameus Reck Chalk yell. « « « The training is very hard and rather rapid but we enjey the werk in spite ef the severe celd weethers” ‘Lt. Maurice L. Breidexthal, JYe, c/o Fleet Pesteffice, New Yerk, writes asking us te change his address, and says, indidentally, "The enly thing ef interest that has happemed te me im the last feur menths is that I was made cemmanding efficer ef this ship in September." Congratulations, Maurice, we kaew yeu are a great skipper! We are happy te welceme seme new Jayhawkers te eur family - Michael Ferd Selleuberger, sen of Marvia and Virginia Sellenberger, ef Denver, was bern eon December 10th, and Sally Je Shirk, daughter ef David and Margaret Shirk, ef Celumbus, a, was bern. on fecwubes 30, Cengratulatieus te ‘these fine parentse And Ens. Paul Masouer, of Nerfelk, Va., writes, "We've added a member . te the family new. Richard McCey Masener was bern Ausust 28 and is new a husky tackle, weighing 16 peunds. Needless te say, we are very proud te have beth a bey and girl. Saw Newton Heversteck last week. He would ¢ appreciate receiving the Rebeunds - c/e Fleet Pesteffice, New York." Paul, I had a fine visit with yeur father-in-law, Mr. Lester McCey, at Lacy Haymes! heme the night ef the Kansas-Misseuri feetball game. And he deesn't leve that grandchild, either! There were a lét ef impertant things fer him te talk abeut, but mest ef them were abeut the Masexer family, and Richard MeCey Masener, that “husky tackle". Amd doen't think that he ferget te mention that yeung “Lady Masener". Gesh, he wes medest in his beasting?= | We are seadine Newten Heversteck a: Rebeunmds, and are wad te have him om our mailing list. We have leng fergiven Newton fer seme of his belshevik attitudes in rebelling en eur infringement ef seme of his imaginary rights regarding his desire te practice temnis om the basketball court in Rebinsen Gymi Amy bey new fighting fer Uncle Sam is teps with me. Lte (jg) Ralph E. Schaake, c/o Fleet Pesteffice, New York, wrete frem England the day befere Christmas. "I am resting on duty new as permanent efficer ef the deck at this rest campe This is the best duty that I have had and I am taking advantage ef it. I am in pretty fair shape new, having worked eff 15 peunds playins basketball. We have a 40 x 100 ft. hut te play basketball in and te use fer a recreatien hut. It serves our purpese.e” Yeu mentien big "Rea Thempsen, and I am glad te enclese his mailing address te yeu, Ralph. Fer the purpeses ef this letter it is Set. Levis J. Thompsen, APO 133, New York. Lt. William Geprge Kerm, USNR, eof Cerpus Christi, Texas, teek unte himself a blushing bride, Margaret Jean Gurley, ef Beleit, one ef the 148.