No, Hoyt, Sparky was transferred from this Navy V-12 unit the first of November for advanced training in New Yerk.e His address is ‘Harold McSpadden, A.S., V-7, USS Prairie State, West 135th & N. River, New York, NeY. I heard from Sparky a few days ago. He says, “I had a swell trip back to N.Y. - it really brought back some swell memories of that trip two years agoe I consi- dered myself plenty lucky to get to play with such a wonderful team. ... Let's of luck in the round ball compaign - I'll be pulling for you 100%." Engign Russell J. Chitweed says, “Am now statiéned at Terminal Island, | San Pedro, Calif., Naval Air Ferry Service, VRF-3. This will be a permanent assignment as far as I kmow now. Would appreciate hearing of any Jayhawkers out here. Looking forward to. the next Rebounds." Ensign J. Fred Harris, Navy 122, Box 19, Fleet Postoffice, New York, says, "I'm now stationed on Temporary orders for 30-60 days in Panama. I'm not very fond ef the idea but there is little I can do about it. I would much rather ~ be at seae Sounds funny, coming from a mid-western farm boy who had never been on a ship until he joined the Navy, but there is somethins about the sea that a fellow likes. . . . Received some pictures the other day of the wife and son, and they beth leoked awfully good to me. Mike is growing like a weed and if I den't hurry and get home he will be a grown boy. He is cutting his teeth now and getting cross." : Lt. (jg) Roy Edwards, U.S.S.S.C. 1054, Fleet Posteffice, San Francisco, Calif., writes, "We have moved around quite a bit these past few weeks and your Sept. 12 Rebounds just caught up with use The edition was a fine tribute to a great boy. You expressed so completely the thoughts of all of us who knew T. P. . . «. Enclosed is an article about Ray Evans which I found in the island papers He must be doing a fine job." Iwas delighted to recéive a letter from Don Ebling, dated the:-14th of Octeobere Don says, “It is hard to realize Te P. has made the sacrifice. Doc every day the list gets longer and it seems to show a steady trend; I guess until this thing ends the lists won't decrease.s. We know one thing, 2t 18 ue. to us te make years to come void of wars. Doc, I just heard that Bruce Voran was severely injured. If you should know anything about his condition or wherea- bouts would you drop me a card as I'd like to write him before I leave the Statese « « « On the 16th of October I leave for Norfolk, Va., for five weeks training with the nucleus crew. Upon the completion of said task I report to Fore Rivers, Mass., to pick up therest of the men at the commissioning detail and for permanent duty aboard the U.S.S. Alex Diachenko, APD 123. Hence, I should be at sea before the first of the year. . . . I have heard from Rope (Engleman) once or twice; also received a picture of his wife and boye He is hoping to be sent back in the near future. I wish I could pass information on about some of the work his ship has done. . . «Please give Ole Dean the . grip and tell him I need a check on my 'sac'. If you have a new letter out within the next five weeks please send it to 529 Maycox, Norfolk, Vae We plan to be with Paul Masoner and fanily quite often." Lt. A. Mi. "Murray" Brown stopped in the office a few days ago enroute te his new assignment at the Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas. Murray looks fine and we were very happy to see him. Prior to his visit Murray wrote, "That was really a blew to hear about T. P.e's death. I'm like you, Dec, I can't believe he is gone and that he is still in there pitching with the rest eof use What a grand fellow he was, too. That's one man you could call a. thoreughbred.e I cans till see him chewing that gum and trying to bring the whole Kansas team up with those left hand 'jab' shots against Great Lakes. Kansas has lost a great fighter, there was never a doubt about that. ... I'm still on the receiving end of some good V-mails from Lt. Pfitsch and you 128.