Rights has taken care of that in admirable fashion. And how eager you will be after the first restlessness wears eff, te specialize and take yeur part en the field ef friendly strife. : All ef our commanding generals and admirals are still saying it is a leng war, but what feotball ceach or what basketball coach would tell his men that the game they were about to play was going to be easy? There is a certain psychology in our commanding generals in telling us that it is geing to be a leng war. I am looking at it the way a ceach would talk to his mene The harder we hit ‘em the quicker we are going to get the job done. And I know that you boys realize that because that is exactly the thing that you have voiced in your letters to me. So hit ‘em with everything you have get se that your return will be the speedier. So, in the werds ef your commanding efficer and your ceach - Up and at 'em, boys. Ged bless you, and good luck. Faithfully, Director of Physical Education, FCA: A : Varsity Basketball Ceachs 138.6