fer this year. But we are impreving and only the eppesition can slam us down. In leeking over the team I thought ef what Wellingten said when he re- viewed the Anzacs before the Battle of Waterloo. He looked over the fierce Australian tribesmen and said, "Well, I de not know what the enemy may think, but they sure as heck scare mei" Anyhow, I am hoping they will scare the opposition. PLASH...... Dean just get his call from New York this morning. We are ready to leave fer Oklahoma, but Dean will net ge with us. He will pull out fer the East, and ether peints. Dean has ether brethers in the service, You remember Lt. Ole F. Nesmith, USNR, whe was captain ef the Jay- hawk football team in 1934. S/Sgt. Glen L. Nesmith, whe was here as 4 freshman, is one of the paratroopers who were trapped at Bastogne. And Dean lest a brether. early in the war - Pfc. Clair W. Nesmith, killed en Batann, January 9, 1942. Se Dean knows what the word service means, and I am sure that he will render much valuable aid in his werk as trainer and lecturer. Se be looking fer "Pappy" Dean Nesmith! He will have a message from Mt. Oread fer all of you fighting Jayhawks. We expect him back in feur months, and we will him Ged- speed and bon voyage. Incidentally, I am taking ever as trainer for my own varsity basketball team, which is net a new jeb for me at all as I used to do the training for football, basketball, track and baseball, in addition te my jeb as Director. ef Athletics, coach ef feetball and basketball, and director of Relays. It has been a let ef fun, but I wouldn't want te de that teo long. Christmas came with hundreds of greetings frem yeu boys in every land and climee I am listing the names and addresses ef yeu beys whe sent me greetings, and I assure yeu that I treasure each ome. You will understand, of course, that I can give only the APO addresses, and you will have to guess the reste Please be assured that I know hew little time yeu have to write, and fer you take time eff frem your busy and dangerous mission te drop me 4 line makes. it doubly appreciated. Majer F. Je Anneberg, Asheville, N. Ce C/Sp. Wayne Replogle, Oakland, Calif. Lte We De Hedges, _Fte George Meade, lid. Lt. (jg) He Le Ware, Queddy Village, Me. Ense llichael Gubar, USNR, Fleet P. O. San Francisce Lt. Comdr. W.. H. Sena Boston, Mass. lite Ve ds Hogan, Herington,: Kansas “A/S Robt. L. Bock, Sherman, Texase Lte Oe Fe Nesmith, E. Greenwieh, R. I. Glenn Oatman, Cox. USNR, San Pedro, Calif. Capt. Ab Hinshaw, A. Ce, - Kansas City, Me. Ense Paul White, Lake City, Fite Lt. Comdr. A. W. Hefling, Mare Island, Calif. Lt. E. L. Davis, Valdesta, Ga. Lte Ee T. Sayers, Langley Field, Vae Lt. W. C. Hartley, Angel Island, Calif. 141.