. fine te see you at Nerman, Ernie, but I'm serry we ceuldn't win the ball game. Lt. (jg) Nerman B. Sanneman (c/o Fleet Pesteffice, San Francisco, California) sent an interesting picture ef the sights om New Guinea. Jerman writes: “Heward Engleman, new on a D. E., drepped in te see me ome day and we had a wenderful time chatting ever old times. I think he wrete yeu and sent seme pictures; hewever, in case he didn't, I'm going te have some made up and send them on te yeu. You see, he breught his baseball team ever te play mime. Of course, I had te beat him but beth the men and "Repe" had a great time. I don't knew just where he is new but he has a great ship and has downed 6 subse already. He's still the great old "Repe" and is well liked by all his men and officerse He still has thet fighting spirit yeu taught him and he makes a wonderful efficer. . . . » I have been doing construction werk but find enough time te help in recreation. I have built a nice baseball diamend and installed lights se we can play at might. As faras I knew, it is the only | one of its kind im the Pacific. I alse have 4 basketball court, welleyball ceurt and aerial dart ceurt. It's toe het te play much basketball but new and then we play eneugh te keep the eld eye." Shertly before receiving Sanneman's letter, I received ene from “Rope" (Lt. jg He. E. Engheman, c/e Fleet Pesteffice, San Francisce), whe says, "Can't tell yeu tee much abeut what we are deing but as yeu prebably have guessed, it all cemcerms the Philippines. The eld England has been lucky se — far but yeu never knew when that mext one will fall en yeu instead ef the ship next abeame Believe me, these Japs aren't human beings. .. . Since I've written you last, the ship get 10 days in Sydney and a chance te re-cerient eurselves to civilization. The necktie almest cheked me and I got seasick walking en selid greund.... . Mary Beth and sen are doing fine, I hope, and se are Mother and Grandmether, I believe. . . . Since seeing Sanneman and Jim Bausch, I've run inte Bill Bevan's brether and another Jayhawker named Hareld Edwards. I heard T. P. shet his last geal. Is that true? What a shamee Eneugh eulegies can never be written about that bey. Well Dec, a let has happened since we all sat in the old Strathaven Inn retreat in Pennsylvania and listened te Reesevelt's first fireside chat. I'm afraid yeu were the only ene there whe realized the serieusness ef the mement. I can remember yet Beb and John and I laughing and carefree. Well, we knew new. . « o" Lt. Lester B. Kappelman's Christmas greeting, mailed December 3, arrived just a few days after we had had a nice visit with Capt. Francis! Kappeiman. Francis is still stationed in Chicage, and Lester was at the 3rd General Hespital, APO 423, New Yerk. lester writes: "Through a misfertune I had last menth I have been laid up im a hespital here in France and weuld appreciate amy mews frem the beyse A machine gun bullet, which I ferget te duck, passed threugh my right ferearm and teok a small pertion ef the anatemy in the immediate vicinity aleng with it. Consequently, I set a beautiful stene- grapher to handle my cerrespendence fer mee . . « I hear Ernie Quigley has been added te the staff at the University, Here's heping yeu have a goed team this winter and that I will be heme in time te see you play." Lets ef luck te you, Lester. We hope your recevery will be speedy, and that yeu will be home in time te see us play. _ We were happy te have a shert visit with Thene Graves, C.PeO. with the Vel2 unit at the University ef Seuthern Califernia. Thene stepped in the . office the other day te say helle, and said his wife is trying te get him te live in Califernia after the war is ever. I teld Thene te tell her that Califernia is the mest eut-lying state in the Unien! I have just this merning received season's greetings from Lt. Bruce Reid, 144.