“Have had my ewn beat since the first ef July and with the fine crew I new have aboard, I am heping te give the Jas a few lessens seon. .. Knute Kresie is in anether area and I haven't seen himfer quite a while. He is due tebe back and wee all of yeu, se maybe he will pap in en yeu one of these days. I was expecting te de likewise seen, but with all the new fronts epening, 1 imagine it will be seme time yet before they will let me ge. .« . . Keep the Rebeunds ceming - they are a bright spet among a let ef dark clouds." Cpl. James R. “Ray" Harris, writes frem Miami Beach, Fla., "I am still statiened on the sunny beach ef Flerida. I have been here a year now, and I enjoy my werk mere every day. Our pregram has enlarged and that makes fer mere activity. The Red Cress and the Physical Training department are deing lots in helping the fellews enjey their stay at the Redistributien Station. One afterneen I was in a velley ball game - I leeked up the beach and whe did I see - Don Ettinger. He had returned from England and was passing through the station. . . Another surprise was running inte Gerdon Clucas in a dime stere last week. Gerdon was bread jumping fer Kansas when 1 came te Ke U. His stay in Miami was shert, because*he was geing heme fer Christmas. He had been out ef the States fer ever a year. I gave him my November mumber ofthe Rebounds. He: — said Wade Green is a father now and is a majer in the Army." Thanks fer yeur newsy letter, Ray. We are happy te hear abeut all the beys you have seen. You asked abeut Ed Elbel. He is at Randelph Field, Texas, and I know he will be glad te hear frem you. Cpl. Hoyt Baker, whe wrete from Oakland, Califernia, just before Christmas, said that he was surprised and delighted ene evening when walking down the street and bumped inte Wayne Replegle, whe is stationed at the Oakland Naval Hespital. I knew you and "Bill" will have a great time tegether, Heyt, if yeu have a chance fer a goed visit. Lt. (jg) A-M. "Murray" Brown is. new at Cerpus Christi, Texas, and says, “I know you need no intreduction te the efficer in charge ef athletics here - Lt. Comdr. Sam Barry, whe tried se hard te beat Kansas in Kansas City a few years back. I cans till see "Rope" grabbing that leese ball and getting set fer what was a perfect shet. What an evening that was fer Kansas and what I weuldn't give te see anether game just like that one." Ens. Je P. "Paul" Turner, c/o Fleet Pesteffice, New Yerk, writes of having seen Jehn Fleyd, one of Hank Iba's star basketball player's, whose heme was in Kansas. Paul says: "Before I left Nerfelk I saw the Naval Training ~ Statien beat Fort Bragg by abeut 40 peints. NTS had Jehn Fleyd, an Okla. A. and M. bey in '57, '38, '3S9, playing fer them. He's a Chief Specialist in athletics eon the base. . . . He used to play high scheel ball against “Repe" Engleman and Bruce Veran in the Ark. Valley, then he went te Okla. A. and Me... Jehn said he saw Den Ebling while in Nerfelk." From Lte Jim R. Surface, USMCR, Dana Point, Calif., cemes this message? “One of my goed friends at my station in Hawaii was a friend ef yeurs, Lt. Cemdr. Rellie Williams, former basketball ceach at Iewa:U. He was the athletic di- recter at the Naval Air Statien where I served for abeut 18 monthse I get te know him fairly well, expecially as a fishing cempanion, and he is certainly a® fine gentleman. He was very well liked at the station, and many were the bull sessions which, mere eften than net, would end with Rellie telling basket- ball steries - especially a beut Dec Meamwell and Rellie's playing days at Wiscensin. I could always needle hima little abeut that last pasteing the beys from Mt. Oread gave him, but he was a grand spert abeut it. The naval efficer whe had the reem acress frem mine alse knews you, and yeu may remember hime He was Jim Wells, new a Lt. (jg) in the Navy, and formerly a sports bread=- | 146.