SROM THE MARCH 7 ISSUE OF THE KANSAS CITY STAR (continued): "The Administration and Organization of Physical Education and Athletics," President Raymond 4. Kent of the University of Louisville was the oditor of that book, which. had. chapters on” law by Roscoe Pound of Harvard, medicine by Dre Cutter of. Northwestern, libcral arts by Dr. Charters of Ohio Stato, stue dent health by Dr, John’ Sundwall of Michigan, formerly dean of the school of medicine of the University of Kansas, , What will your next book touch on, Phog? BACK TO THE LOW-BRoW , ee ee "I'm going back to. the low-brow stuff," Phog smiles, "I'm °°: going to writo a book on tho treatment of athletic injurleseece sometime before I quit," , That reminds you that in: the closing wecks of the Big Six basketball season Allen took over the training of his squad of.. basket shooters. Foroed to pass’ up an Opportunity to join the army athletic Specialists: junket, Phog quickly consented when his trainer, Dean Nesmith, was asked to become a member of -the junkete Phog knows the business of. training. athletes and -- .. monding their sprains and bruises and his book on that Subject should bo the ultimate word, ee As for doing the things ho wants to do after ho reaches tho age. ~ of 65, Phog hardly will be able to carry on as heavy a& program .”. as ho is in these approaching yoars to 65...and surely he cc doing anything now that he doesn't wish-to do, At the samo time he's. doing far more than the ordinary man and you wonder. how he manages to. keep the paco. Last month he ‘gave his Perce blood donation and when you know that he ig fast stepping toe ° ward 60 you'll give him credit fon deep-rooted sentiment tos. | ward our soldiers. Youtvo seen that demonstrated elsewhere, °. too. For examplo, in the Jayhawker Rebounds ho writes eve er month or two, has typed and mails to all his’ old basketball’ _... me boys and other K,U, athletes on thé worldts fighting’ fronts... =: WHERE DOES HE. FIND THE TIME | POD Gs 20 Deon ONS af godt As head of the departmont of physical education at 'K.U. he ‘has | a& full-time. jobs As coach'of basketball you"know. he devotes fe many long hours and the cnergy of a steam engtireé,.”. da a, Pegi hatgth Rotarian and a lively ono.. He is president of the Civie Action committee of Lawrence, a committee with a twofold purpose ==. to provide a construction and a city face-lifting of encouraging veterans to return to Lewrenée and‘te.’provide many. of them with early Cmploymonte-. | ee 3 sy Recently Phog was clected president of the Lawrence Country ax Club, and you’ can safely bet that he will not be idle on this. ©) Jobe In fact, you cannot picture Phog idle on any ha . Now Phog is running for a seat in thé city; council he was — clected yesterday).. arid so’ you get .the idea that by. the time he is 65 he y cob aaa TY, Woll whittled down ‘and ‘quite ready. for leisurely golf and writing, or: Byes |: ee P.S, == Oh, yes, you want to-know when Phog will be 65? His ° next birthday will be November 18, ah oe ae TY a apace