Ge Lt. Ae M. "Murray" Brown stopped in the office a few days ago enroute to his new assignment at the Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas. Murray looks fine and we were very happy to see him. Prior to his visit Murray wrote, "That was - really a blow to hear about T. P.'s death. I'm like you, Doo, I can't believe he is gone and that he is still in there pitching with the rest of-us. yhat a grand fellow he was, tooe That's one man you could call a thoroughbred. I can still see him chewing that gum and trying to bring the whole Kansas team up with those left hand 'jab' shots against Great Lakes, Kansas has lost a great fighter, there was never a doubt about that. . . s I'm still on the receiving end, of some good Vemails from Lt. Pfitseh and you can bet they are “plonty: interesting. He's right in the thick of it with Patton and you noes have” no fear, as to the out come with that omstae at be on ‘our sides . a ae Gana ts 7 ile, #05 hear SéSaatehAUIy fron bits John peitgoh;” APO" “408, New Yori. He is somewhere in France. In writing of T. P., John says, "He was one of my “best frionds at K,U, and I personally will feel’ the: loss. It seems that so much of. the ‘time-our best are taken from us, The same , thing” has happened . over and over again, here. 6 « + » So far-we have been able all. that -we were - supposed to do,’and a little more. ‘We have véen with the 30th division ‘for quite a while and of course you probably know many men ‘in that outfit, I have met many that know you, at any rate, Its a grand outfit and we. are : ‘proud to be a part of . theme » o's» Was ina large city the’ other | day ond got.” a bath and massage in a _ ‘very fancy place. The massour wasn't -as- good” as I’an, fT don't ke but it was o to be on a eabee agains’ Reminded ne of Dod » , -8/Seti hyaichin "ohiek": Pontius, 1k: 4, New York, writes from. somewhere in Germany, as follows: "I reeeived your latest news letter ‘today. and was sure glad to get it. I always read it first and then pass it’ on to the rest of the fellows, I got a big kick out of it, and so do the other boys. I am with the First Army, fourth division, and it is a good outfit. . .,Doc, T jumped the gun vrs ‘and em now: 8/Set. “Brory® va ‘is ‘seenene harder, but. TeLd. mee it somehow,“ ‘iajor George: itandeville, iso" ‘2, New: York, a bppother ‘of ‘tne famous Frank Py Mandeville, writes. from Belgium: "I redeived ‘the envelope. of- Rebounds the other day, and thanks a million for: sending them. As you might realize, the greatest thing we can. get is a-few words from home. We .are ‘well fed and clothed, so all we lack is news...» I got to ses Paris thé other day, Nothing unusual- lots of fine clothes - they are hungry and erave cigarettes - a carton of Camels een be sold for 20 to 40 dollars. . .-. We weré-in’on the siege of Brest. It was * nice of. the Jerries to have. quite a bit of good’ three-star cognac | and some. . groceries saved up which we took over. “They had their. hospitals. dug back in the - Sides of the hills in the rocks = tunnelled in. I went thru one -, they had 750 “wounded in there - more like going ‘thru the Kentucky” Caves. . . . Those Jerries - gre) ‘suckers for pincher movenents - we pinch ''em off, then work. on them.- This American: Army. - has become a’ rough, tough, fighting outfit, you can oupens on that. Lodks. Rpt we will have ~ rah woe ny the ‘ey om Berlin." er oe 2 poe} Max Kissell “isin the Cadet Regiment ‘at Corpur Christi, Texas, and. says if the weather permits she hopes ‘to ‘graduate by. Christmas. He says fur- ther, "I didn't think. I would ever see “the time when ‘I would be sorry to get the : Rebounds, but when I received the last issue, and learned’ of T. P. I. couldn't quite. believe it... 6 ‘They are getting ready. for a big basketball season ‘here. ‘Sam Barry will be-the head: coach. There are “quite | a few good boys - some of them from the St. Marys pre-flight school: last year and other older piayers who are », officers, Ralph Vaugh will ey be the main’¢og."