7. A/C Otto Schnellbacher writes from Selman Field, Monroe, La., paying tribute to T. P. Hunter, as have so many of his friends. “after reading the news about T. '. Hunter I sat down to write but nothing I could de the feeling T had for such a great lad, so I tore the page up and am now letting you know that every one of us thank you for, telling us the facts concerning 1T.P,'s death, . . . I haven't hoard from Armand Dixon for quite a while - have you? He — is probably weet, SOE to Os ea eou w: ‘f Snelly, just four ‘days after you wrote your lettor, Cpl. Armand Dixon wrote us a V-mail from the Marianas, ‘His address is APO 247, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco. Armand says, “Ihaven't written in a long time but I have been pretty busy. for the last couple of months, I am no longer in Hawaii, but ndw‘I’call the Marianas my Home.” I cantt tell you just what-island.I'm on just now, but I will be able ‘to later on when the censorship regulations are lifted. Things are pretty rugged. over here’ and ‘there are plenty of Japs here, but:they are quite dead, I've been through a few of the cavos where they made their.last stand, and I can tell you that its quite a Sight; not one ‘that I would care %o remember. ‘There is re hardly a thing left étonding on the islana except some brush and trees. It really took a terrible beating, I an getting along all right, just hope that the war — ends pretty soon, I'l] be looking for your Rebounds," | OF ebtanes va sala Armand's buddy, Sgt. Lewis G, Musick, is with an Enginesrs Maintenance Company at Fort Jackson, S, Carolina, and writes, "Since 1 saw you a year ago this month T have done a lot- of traveling,. When I left Alabama .I went to an in- fantry outfit in Indiana, E- stayed there about a month...’ From the infantry I went to the engineers and“Heyé T have stayed, 2 took ‘basic, training all over — again at Camp Gordon, Ga,” ‘When I had finished, the compahy sent, me to Omaha, Nebr, too tractor and diesél ‘schools. To mo. it was very interesting and I learned quite'a bit,’ Before I returned fo: thé company I took a trip.home, It was my first’ sinee I have béen.in “the: Army. My folks. were. very glad to see me and I was quite thrilled at being home. ...., 1 sure would like to see "Army" againg Well, Doc, I guess my time is finally coming. .; - I have been fooling around. too long on this side, 1 only hope that the Rebounds will continue to reach me when ‘I get’ over om 'théother Oe ee oy. M/Sgt. Donald B, Blair, who is with the 1289th Engineers, has sent us & new “APO mailing address’= 17567, c/o Postmaster, New. ¥ork.. be | ees os Bae, Eddie Linguist, M.t.B.,. ¢/o Fleet Postoffice, Now York, ‘Says, - "Your’ Jayhawk Rébounds hasbeen coming regularly and always at a time when news of home, K.U. and old friends was’ just the. tonicI needed to build that. old moralé back up where it belongs. . Thanks..a lot for the good job you have’ done," . Ens. C. TE. Russell, Lst-468, c/o. Fleet Postoffiee, San Francisco, reports on a. basketball game played on the tank deck of an IST. .He says, “As for the basketball game’ ~ they beat us: 38-12, [I hate to. make .excuses, but there are certain things onthe tank deck’ of ‘ah Lg? that: the "home .team',éan take advantage of. We lad the bow doors’: open and’ the ramp down’ to got the nice sea breezes and the game was ‘enjoyed’ by all, exoept for. the fact that, a. few.wild passes sent’ the ball into the water, This is at least a new. phase. of basketball and I think you should Look into it," eee See ieee. Sie eee ee efter hrs: Seakiifeq Nao* | Dts stom migguR - Ey-Hunt gives. ue his éddross.as LOT Flotilla 6, 0/0 Fleet” Pomtoee foes ‘ano Meade tagG oY! GC e ee, DROS todd sort mttivass ~