8 ‘We are delighted to extend groetings to our r golfing friend, Major "penny" Jones, who is with the 6th General, Hospital, APO 764,. New York. He says, "Tf Tom Bishop was where I think he was, I was located, about one-half mile from ‘him for about 4 mos, this summer. Wish I had known of it. Will br on the look- -out for him. I sure ate up the news. in your Rebounds, and you can't say too much of thé boys from Kansas. Altho I've been a non-combatant, I've seen them after they became casualties, and of all people to treat I'll take our boys. They are the tops, and I've never seen as much guts as_ they have, and bhepwa 11 to return and Wine .« + « pure hee there wasn't such a thing as easualties.' rOmG ‘One of Ottawa University's aes! Lt. (jg). Gerald K. Barker, USCG, is at Govt. Island, Alameda, Calif. "Bark" took his graduate work in our Phys. Ed. department. He says, "It has been some time since I have been around the campus, but sometime soon I hope I am able to come back and write that thesis, the» only remaining work needed for my master's degree. « »°« Iwas happy to see that Kansas finally whipped the Cornhuskers. There are.some fellows here from -Nebraska and it gave me a chance to talk a bit. I've seen very few fellows from “Kansas since’ ‘Itve’been in. I saw Kenneth Kell from Topeka up,.in Connecticut about two years agoe . « I'd appreciate your SPTEME halo to Dean Nesmith for me, and also ny ee to Milt and family." , | "papa" Curley (Irven We): Heyden, whose first child isa boy, is at * APO 492, New York. He writes, "I have been here (India) well over a year and during that time have met only one K,U. mane Consequently. the arrival of the Rebounds has started a new era. To me they are just like a visit home when you tour Main Street meeting all your friends. and acquaintances and. stopping for a short chat with each. . . . If you would, please, I- wish to convey my greetings and best regards ‘to olt Dean Nesmith and his. family;. also to:the recipients of Jayhawk Rebounds that I may know or know of, I'd like trraend a hearty hello and wishes for continued good luck.’ or vn a s Wet re glad to send your SE ea. Curley. Hiei vy 1 x00 gta to see your wife when she stopped in she office.a short time.ago. Our super-thirty-third, degree basketball fan of the U.S. Ae, Lt. Frank E, Harwi,’ Jr., writes us from 2625 Navy Bldg., Washington.25, D.C, Frank never missed a basketball game that Kansas played if-he was within 500 miles of where we were playing. Frank says, “After traveling way out to New Guinea and back, your Rebounds for July, - believe, finally caught up with me here in Washington, D.C. But it was no one's fault but mine for my complete failure to notify you of my charge of ‘address. I was just so doggoned. happy to get back to the great- est place in the world that I forgot all about it. They finally decided I had _ Seen enough country so shipped me back to be a "Constitution Avenue commando! for a while, but only for a while, for I am already seheduled for shipping back out © in Jan. . You can rest assured though, that Ian lapping. up every second of my . duty in these grand old United States, and fully appreciating everything that I had spent the last two years longing for. . « « The duty here is quite a nove lty what with Waves all around everywhere you look. No kicks from this corner about . that phase of the assignment, 2 « « Have run: into quite a number of former Jay- hawkers including Ens. Paul MacCaskill and 1st Lt, John. Milton Phillips, of Mt. Oread political and public speaking fame. . . - Incidentally, shortly after ren ceipt of this by you, I hope to have another All-sanerican for your undefeated quintet of 1964, “May get crossed up and can only offer a feminine voice loudly supporting from the first row - but I will be happy either waye